Leadership changes announced during the 172nd Semiannual General Conference included the naming of an emeritus General Authority, the callings and releases of members of the Second Quorum of the Seventy, sustainings to the Presidency of the Seventy and Sunday School general presidency, and the releases of 21 Area Authority Seventies.
Released from the Presidency of the Seventy upon receiving emeritus status was Elder Ben B. Banks. As was previously announced, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf was sustained to the Presidency of the Seventy to replace Elder Banks. Elder Uchtdorf was called to the Second Quorum of the Seventy in 1994, and to the First Quorum of the Seventy in 1996.
Called and sustained to the Sunday School general presidency was Elder Val R. Christensen of the Seventy, who replaced Elder Richard J. Maynes of the Seventy, who is now serving in the Philippines Area Presidency.
New members of the Second Quorum of the Seventy are Elder Craig C. Christensen, Elder James M. Dunn, Elder Daryl H. Garn, Elder D. Rex Gerratt, and Elder Spencer V. Jones. Released from the Second Quorum of the Seventy were Elder Richard D. Allred, Elder Athos M. Amorim, Elder L. Edward Brown, Elder Earl M. Monson and Elder Jerald L. Taylor.

Elder Banks was sustained to the Second Quorum of the Seventy in 1989 at age 56 and was sustained to the First Quorum of the Seventy in 1992. In 1999, he was sustained to the Presidency of the Seventy. He previously served as a counselor in the Utah Central, North America Southeast and Philippines/Micronesia Area presidencies. He was formerly president of the Philippines/Micronesia Area and Utah South Area. Prior to his call to full-time Church service, he was owner and president of a lumber company. He and his wife, Susan Kearns Banks, are parents of eight children.

Elder Christensen, 46, was serving as an Area Authority Seventy in the Utah South Area prior to his call as a General Authority. He was a business executive and owns real estate development and auto dealership businesses. He is a former mission president, high councilor and bishop. He and his wife, Debora, have four children.

Elder Dunn, 62, an Area Authority Seventy in the Utah North Area, was a founding partner in a law firm, and is a former deputy county attorney and assistant U.S. attorney. He is a former mission president, stake president, high councilor, bishop and branch president. He and his wife, Penny, have six children.

Elder Garn, 63, was an Area Authority Seventy in the North America Southwest Area. An orthodontist, Elder Garn is a former regional representative, mission president's counselor, stake president, high councilor and bishop. He and his wife, Irene, have six children.

Elder Gerratt, 66, was an Area Authority Seventy in the Idaho Area. A dairy farmer, he is a former regional representative, mission president, stake president, and Church service missionary. He and his wife, Marjorie, have nine children.

Elder Jones, 57, an Area Authority Seventy in the North America Southeast Area, resided in the Dominican Republic before being named a General Authority. A businessman in a variety of businesses, he is a former mission president, area executive secretary, high councilor and bishop. He and his wife, Joyce, have three children.
Feature articles about the new General Authorities, with more biographical details, will be published in future issues of the Church News. Information about Elder Uchtdorf and his photo were published June 22, 2002, when his call to the Presidency of the Seventy was announced.
Biographical information about Elder Val R. Christensen and his photo were published May 2, 1998, after he was called to the Seventy.
Released as Area Authority Seventies were Paulo C. Amorim, Carl W. Bacon, Bruce B. Bingham, O. Brent Black, Antonio Cappi, Victor D. Cave, Craig C. Christensen, James M. Dunn, David W. Ferrel, Daryl H. Garn, D. Rex Gerratt, Mario E. Guzman, Spencer V. Jones, Hitoshi Kashikura, Chong-Youl Kim, Richard K. Klein, John Maxwell, Wolfgang H. Paul, Keith L. Smith, Juan Uceda, and Claudio D. Zivic.