
A Manhattan temple

NEW YORK CITY — A temple similar in concept to the Hong Kong China Temple will be constructed in Manhattan, the First Presidency announced.

The new temple will be located on property owned by the Church on the Lincoln Center, at 65th Street and just above Midtown, an area famous for the performing arts.

Like the temple in Hong Kong, the temple portion of the building will occupy the top floors and stand adjacent to other city buildings. The existing building will be refitted into a temple and is expected to blend into the surrounding urban landscape.

Also as in Hong Kong, the Manhattan building will continue to house a meetinghouse and classrooms for Sunday worship services and a cultural hall for midweek social activities. It also houses the offices of the New York New York Stake. A public affairs department office and a family history center will remain.

The recent pattern of temple building allows newer temples to adapt to smaller and more varied sites. Design and renovation work has already begun.

The temple in Manhattan will be the Church's second in New York. The first was dedicated by President Gordon B. Hinckley in Palmyra on April 6, 2000 — exactly 170 years after the Church was organized in nearby Fayette. The Church also has land and building permission for a temple at Harrison, New York.

The Church has 113 temples in operation throughout the world and now 13 announced or under construction. The next to be dedicated will be the Hague Netherlands Temple, which opens to the public Aug. 17, and will be dedicated Sept. 8, 2002.

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