
He who stilled the sea, can calm life's storms

After recounting the night in the boat on the Sea of Galilee when the Savior stilled the storm, Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve said, "The One who had power to calm the elements of earth has power to calm our souls to give us refuge in the storm."

Speaking during the Saturday morning session, Elder Hales likened the storm of that night to the "turbulent times" of today. "The winds of wickedness howl about us: the waves of war beat against our ship."

But "just as the Savior's words brought peace to the Apostles in the boat, they bring peace to us today."

Elder Hales told how Elijah of the Old Testament sought seclusion in a cave from the tribulations of his day. (See 1 Kings 19:11-15.) "But the Lord had important work for Elijah to do, and therefore, 'said unto him, Go, return on thy way.' So Elijah went.

"We, too, must come forth from our secure caves; for we have important work to do."

Elder Hales spoke of the brother of Jared, who did not want his family to make the journey across the deep in the dark and took his concern to the Lord. "We must carefully consider the needs of our family members, make a plan to meet those needs, and then take our plan to the Lord in prayer."

In the eyes of "our children and grandchildren, we see the doubt and fear of our times. . . . They wonder, 'How can we cope with these problems?'

"To find answers, they look back into our eyes and listen to our words. Do they hear us speaking faithfully and hopefully, despite the tribulations of our times?

"They need to see us continuing to pray and study the scriptures together, to hold family home evening and family councils, to serve faithfully in our Church callings, to attend the temple regularly, and to be obedient to our covenants. When they see our steadfastness in keeping the commandments, their fears will subside and their confidence in the Lord will increase.

"By showing our faith through tribulation, we assure them that the fury of the adversary is not fatal."

In the meantime, continued Elder Hales, "there is meaning and purpose in our earthly challenges. . . . Each of us must go through certain experiences to become like our Savior. In the school of mortality, the tutor is often pain and tribulation, but the lessons are meant to refine and bless us and strengthen, not destroy."

Similarly, he said, "tests of our faith are priceless opportunities to discover how deeply the Master cares about the welfare of our souls to help us endure to the end."

Elder Hales said he was, "moved by the extent of the tribulation in the Savior's experience. . . . Persecutions followed Him wherever He went."

Yet, looking through the eye of faith, "In His darkest hour, the light of peace and joy did not fade. It grew brighter."

Likewise, he said, "Whatever the storms we are facing personally, in our homes and our families, this joy can be ours now."

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