"I sincerely believe that in the sanctity of the family our love, loyalty, respect and support for each other can become the sacred shield that will protect us from the fiery darts of the devil. In the family circle, filled with the love of Christ, we will be able to find peace, happiness and protection from the wickedness of the world that surrounds us.
"I testify that the family is the unit and vehicle through which we can be sealed together and return, as a family, into the presence of our heavenly parents, there to experience eternal joy and happiness.
"Prayer is one of the stepping stones on the path that leads us to eternal life with our Father in Heaven.
"Faith is another stepping stone that is critical to our eternal salvation!"
"A third stepping stone and an essential part of the path that leads us safely home to our Father in Heaven is the family."
President Hinckley has taught that the family is divine: "Only through its organization can the purposes of the Lord be fulfilled."
"I sincerely pray that we will use the stepping stones of prayer, faith and our family to prepare and help us to return to our Father in Heaven and gain life eternal; that our very purpose for being upon this earth will be successfully accomplished."