
Bruce A. Carlson

Family: Born Oct. 3, 1949, in Hibbing, Minn., to Clifford and Helen Carlson. Married Vicki Lynn Martens civilly in June 1970; sealed in Salt Lake Temple on Aug. 8, 1972. Three children: Bryan (Kace); Jani (Kyle) Jeane; and Scott (Catherine).

Education: Earned a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Minnesota, 1971; U.S. Air Force Fighter Weapons School, 1979; master of arts degree from Webster University, 1980. He earned the distinguished graduate award for a master of arts degree from the Naval War College, Newport, R.I.

Employment: U.S. Air Force where he served as commander of Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; commanding 74,000 people and managing $59 billion annual budget; responsible for developing, procuring and maintaining U.S. weapons systems. For much of his career, he flew fighter aircraft. He also served administratively in the Pentagon in Arlington, Va.

Church Service: Church's Military Advisory Committee, temple ordinance worker, high councilor, bishop, counselor in elders quorum presidency.

Military Service: General, U.S. Air Force. Retired Jan. 1, 2009, after 37 years service.

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