Announced: Nov. 15, 1975.
Location: Across from Bellevue Community College, near the Eastgate Interchange on Interstate 90 at 2808 148th Ave. SE; Bellevue, WA 98007-6453; phone: (425) 643-5144.
Exterior finish: Reinforced concrete faced with quartz and marble aggregates.
Site: 18.5 acres, selected June 1975.
Exterior finish: Reinforced concrete faced with white aggregate and cast stone.
Temple design: Modern.
Architect: Emil B. Fetzer, Church architect.
Project representative: Michael Enfield.
Construction superintendent: Kent Carter for Jacobsen Construction Co.
Rooms: Baptistry, celestial room, four ordinance rooms, 12 sealing rooms.
Total floor area: 110,000 square feet.
Dimensions: Ground level is 141 feet by 193 feet; upper levels are 117 feet by 163 feet. Height to square is 70 feet; to top of the Angel Moroni, 179 feet.
District: Stakes in western Washington, British Columbia.
Groundbreaking, site dedication: May 27, 1978, by President Marion G. Romney of the First Presidency.
Dedication: Nov. 17-21, 1980, by President Spencer W. Kimball; 13 sessions.
Dedicatory Prayer
Done by President Spencer W. Kimball
Our Holy Father in Heaven, Thou who hath created our spirits and the heavens and the earth and all things therein, in the worthy name of Thy greatly Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we come to Thee this day in this beautiful edifice to dedicate it unto Thee, our Living God.
We thank Thee, our gracious Lord, that in this dispensation of the fulness of times Thou and Thy Beloved Son didst visit the earth and through the instrumentality of Thy chosen servant, Joseph Smith, Thy gospel was restored. Thus, after centuries of darkness, were the heavens reopened and the knowledge of Thee and Thy Son and Thy plan of life and salvation again offered to the children of Thy earthly kingdom.
We are grateful, our Father, that from the days of Joseph Smith until the present, Thou hast continued to reveal Thy mind and will to Thy mouthpiece, the Prophet and President of Thy Church and Kingdom here upon the earth. Remember Thy servant in love, we pray Thee, for his days have been many upon the earth. Lengthen his span of life and give to him health and strength and those gifts Thou seest are needful for him to lead Thy people in righteousness and truth. Likewise, we pray for the counselors in the First Presidency; bless these good and wise men for their faith and their devoted service unto Thee and Thy children.
Bless the special witnesses of Thy Beloved Son, the Twelve Apostles, that they may carry the gospel message throughout the length and breadth of the land. Give them Thy holy revelations, also. Bless the First Quorum of the Seventy, the Presiding Bishopric, the Regional Representatives, the leaders of stakes and missions, wards and branches, the educational institutions, the auxiliaries, and all who labor in Thy vineyard.
Our Father, bless us that we may live Thy commandments and follow Thy divine plan. Please forgive us our trespasses as we totally repent, and let us earn and enjoy the rich blessings Thou has promised to the faithful.
Father, we are concerned with the condition of the world of today and that nations seem to need only the striking of a spark to bring war and desolation and destruction. Bless, we pray Thee, the leaders of nations, that they may rule wisely and righteously, and give Thy people everywhere freedom to worship Thee. Stay the powers, our Father, that would bring us to the brink of annihilation.
But insomuch as nations repent and follow Thee, be gracious, our Father, and let Thy destroying angel pass by, and let Thy people be forgiven. Be merciful, O Lord, with Thy repentant ones when they have suffered and transformed their lives.
Our gracious Father, there are national gates which seemingly need to be unlocked and doors that need to be opened, and hearts of kings, presidents, emperors, and ministers which need to be softened, that they may permit the gospel to be taken to their people. Let Thy Spirit rest mightily upon them, we pray Thee.
Our Father, bless the countless millions on the earth, that they may receive Thy truth, and bless the missionaries, now more than thirty thousand strong, that nothing will prevail against them in their faithful presentation of Thy gospel plan to the world.
Bless the poor and the needy of Thy people Let not the cry of the widow and the orphan, the lonely and oppressed, go unheeded. Comfort those who mourn and give peace and blessed surcease to the sick and the afflicted.
We remember before Thee, our Father, the youth of Zion. Bear them up that they shall not falter in defending truth and right. Help them to be clean and worthy and instill in them a desire for eternal marriage in Thy Holy Temple.
Our Beloved Father, bless the daughters of Zion, we pray Thee, O Lord. Thou knowest our great love for them. Pour out precious gifts of wisdom, faith and knowledge upon them.
Bless this temple that it may be a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of glory, a house of eternal marriage, a house of sealings, and Thy house, the House of God, wherein Thy holy saving work may be done for the salvation of both the living and the dead.
Bless, we pray Thee, the presidency of this temple and the matron and all the officiators herein. Help them to create a sublime and holy atmosphere so that all ordinances may be performed with love and a sweet, spiritual tone that will cause the members to greatly desire to be here, and to return again and again.
Our Holy Father, we pray that Thou wilt bless this great nation, organized here in this choice land. Bless the President of this nation, the Congress, the Justice Department, the cabinet, the lawmakers and the law enforcers in states, counties, and cities, that liberty and justice may continue to be the foundation stones of our existence.
And now, our Father, we ask Thee to accept this house, the workmanship of the hands of Thy servants, this house in which Thou canst dwell forever.
We pray Thee, Heavenly Father, to accept this building in all its parts, from the foundation stones to the highest spire, on which the statue of Moroni stands; we ask Thee to protect it, to sanctify it and consecrate it.
We pray Thee to bless the walls, partitions, floors, ceilings, roof, the elevators, stairways, doors, windows and other openings; all things connected with the lighting, heating, and sanitary facilities, and all articles used in or connected with the holy ordinances administered here. Bless the veils and the altars, the baptismal font and the oxen on which it rests.
We pray Thee to bless all the furniture, locks and fastenings and all other appliances and appurtenances found in this temple and the annexes and all ornamentation thereon.
With the temple, we present the land on which it stands and all surrounding it, the walks and fences, the trees and plants and flowers and shrubbery. May they blossom beautifully and be pleasant to all, that these grounds may be to all a haven of peace and rest and holy meditation.
Father, we beseech Thee to protect this building and all its appurtenances from harm or destruction by fire or flood, or the rage of the elements, shafts of lightning and blasts of hurricanes, the upheavals of earthquakes, and all disturbances of any nature. Save it from any who, with evil design, would seek to desecrate its hallowed precincts.
And now, by the power of the Holy Priesthood Thou hast given us, we dedicate this building and all that pertains to it, together with all its furnishings and contents, to Thee, our Holy Father, and ask Thee to accept it and shower blessings upon it, in the worthy name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen and Amen and Amen.
Miracles continue to bless, build the faith of others
Some miracles have less obvious outcomes that many don't recognize as miracles at all
By J. Kelly Flanagan
When the Savior walked the earth He performed many miracles that healed the sick, increased the faith of those healed, and increased the faith of those who observed or heard of the events. Jesus enabled the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, and the blind to see. Many miracles described in the scriptures had very obvious outcomes; for example, the blind who requested a miracle in faith had their vision restored. When healed, these children of God more fully enjoyed God's creation.
Some miracles have less obvious outcomes that many don't recognize as miracles at all.
I was born 37 years ago with partial vision that isn't correctable with glasses, contacts or surgery. Like many disabled individuals, I never let my disability stop me from enjoying life. I married, had six beautiful children, acquired a college education and participated in many events that others thought impossible. However, I have always wanted to see like others to more fully enjoy the visual beauty of this world.
After joining the Church at age 18 I became aware of the power of the priesthood and the opportunity of receiving a priesthood blessing and perhaps a miracle. I dreamed about what it would be like to see, how it would change my life and how amazing it would be to be like and see like others.
After my baptism, I had the opportunity of attending the dedication of the Seattle Washington Temple where President Spencer W. Kimball, the first prophet of God I was familiar with, would perform the temple dedication.
I prepared a small note in the hope that I might have the opportunity to pass it to President Kimball asking for a blessing from God to heal my vision. When I went to leave the sealing room, where I participated in the dedication, President Kimball passed in the hallway just outside the door. I wanted to extend my arm, shake his hand and pass him my note. I felt constrained not to do so, and have wondered why for years. Was it because I must live with and learn from my vision, was it because I would later have the chance to be healed, or was it because I was supposed to have enough faith in my local leaders or home teachers and the priesthood they hold? The full answer to these questions may have to wait until I have the chance to ask my Creator, but some answers have come through experiences like the following.
One of God's creations I have had difficulty fully enjoying is the beauty of birds. I have seen them on television, movies and books, but see very little of their beauty in real life. I see birds only when they are moving from one tree or phone line to another against a bright sky. In these situations they are nothing but small black objects against bright backdrops. They make beautiful music, but no color, no grace; just quick, black, flittering objects moving through the bright sky.
On one occasion my wife, our four oldest children, and I had the opportunity to go to Rainier National Park in the fall. The leaves were falling, the air was crisp and clear, the sun was bright, and the park was virtually deserted. We stopped for a rest and as my wife took the children to the rest room I sat at a picnic bench. While sitting at the bench I heard many birds singing in the tall pines, and saw the small black objects float from tree to tree. While watching this event and wishing I could see their beauty I prayed aloud to Heavenly Father requesting that He heal my vision and enable me to see these gorgeous creatures. Like so many Jesus met during His earthly ministry, all I wanted was for my vision to be healed. What I received was a miracle, but not what I expected, and I have since learned why.
As I prayed aloud a beautiful bird landed on my hand directly in front of my face. The bird was not more than six inches from my face. For the first time in the wild I could see a bird; it looked at me and I looked at it. The bird turned around and let me enjoy its great beauty. I continued to talk to the birds and to Heavenly Father. I thanked Him for this opportunity and as I did many more birds of all varieties came to my table. The only birds I could put a name to were Blue Jays, but all of them were as beautiful as any I had seen in the media. I was actually seeing the beauty of birds, but perhaps more important I felt the Spirit of God as my prayer was answered with a miracle.
I prayed that I might share this experience with my family and as they returned the birds remained. We all sat there playing with the birds, thanking Heavenly Father and enjoying Heavenly Father's great and beautiful creation.
I know that Heavenly Father blessed my family and me with a miracle. However, for many years I have wondered why I didn't stretch forth my hand to President Kimball and why Heavenly Father chose to bring the birds to me instead of healing my vision as was done to many others while Jesus was performing His earthly ministry.
I have had several opportunities to share this special story with others. In the summer of 1999 I had the opportunity to go to Scout camp with my oldest son, many boys I consider to be my friends and some dear friends who were there as Scout leaders. One evening while the leaders and I were out in a meadow trying to observe some deer I remembered the experience I had in the temple with President Kimball and wondered why I didn't ask for a blessing. I shared with them the sacred experience I had in Rainier National Park and discussed the fact that I wanted my eyes healed, not for the birds to come within my limited vision. The following morning one of the leaders shared with me his feelings and the Spirit bore witness that it was the truth. He stated that my vision and the way I deal with it has been a great example for many people. I haven't tried to impress others or even set an example, but simply live a life as normal as possible. If my vision had been completely restored many years ago, I wouldn't have had hundreds of experiences that have evidently influenced and affected others.
I am grateful for my partial sight and other blessings I have received from Heavenly Father. I am grateful that I was allowed a close-up view of what is normal for others, and a good friend, who with the power of the Spirit, answered many of my lifelong questions in a few simple words. As in the New Testament, miracles occur to benefit the person the miracle is directed toward, but also to build the faith of others.
J. Kelly Flanagan, a BYU associate professor of computer science serving as associate chair of the Computer Science Department, is a member of the Cherry Hill 9th Ward, Orem Utah Cherry Hill Stake, where he is a priests quorum adviser.
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