Six new temple presidents have been called by the First Presidency, with their wives called as matrons. They will begin service in November.
Elder Spencer J. Condie, 69, River Ridge 8th Ward, South Jordan Utah River Ridge Stake, called as president of the Nauvoo Illinois Temple, succeeding President Wayne S. Peterson. President Condie's wife, Dorothea Speth Condie, will serve as temple matron. He serves as a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy and has served as president of the Austria Vienna Mission, Mutual Improvement Association general board member, regional representative, stake president, high councilor and bishop. A former professor at Brigham Young University, he was born in Preston, Idaho, to Spencer Clauson and Josie Peterson Condie.

Sister Condie served with her husband as he presided over the Austria Vienna Mission. She has also served in a stake Young Women presidency, and as a gospel doctrine and Relief Society teacher. She was born in Dresden, Germany, to Joseph and Frieda Winkler Speth.
Robert Henry Daines III, 76, Rock Canyon Ward, Provo Utah Edgemont Stake, called as president of the Provo Utah Temple, succeeding President Merrill J. Bateman. President Daines' wife, Janet Marilyn Lund-gren Daines, will serve as temple matron. He serves as first counselor in the Provo Utah Temple presidency and has served as president of the Pennsylvania Harrisburg Mission, stake president, stake president's counselor, high councilor and bishop. A retired Brigham Young University professor, he was born in Logan, Utah, to Robert Henry Jr. and Anna Stoddard Merrill Daines.

Sister Daines serves as an assistant to the matron of the Provo Utah Temple and served with her husband as he presided over the Pennsylvania Harrisburg Mission. She has also served as a stake and ward Relief Society president, in ward Young Women and Primary presidencies, and as a gospel doctrine teacher. She was born in Prineville, Ore., to Fritz Hjlmar and Myrtle Rose Riner Lundgren.
Zeniff Mejía Mora, 65, Aquiles Serdán Ward, Puebla Mexico La Libertad Stake, called as president of the Mérida Mexico Temple, succeeding President Ronald E. Dyer. President Mejía's wife, Elizabeth Parra Trujillo de Mejía, will serve as temple matron. Recently released as second counselor in the Villahermosa Mexico Temple presidency, he has served as a mission president's counselor, stake president, stake president's counselor and bishop. A retired business owner and microfilm technician, he was born in Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, to Esteban Mejía Calderon and Jovita Mora Hernández de Mejía.

Sister Mejía, recently released as an assistant to the matron of the Villahermosa Mexico Temple, has also served as a ward Relief Society president, ward Relief Society president's counselor, ward Young Women president's counselor and ward Primary president. She was born in Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, to Enrique Parra Marin and Elvira Trujillo López de Parra.
Thomas Evan Nebeker, 65, West Point Ward, Tupelo Mississippi Stake, called as president of the Memphis Tennessee Temple, succeeding President C. Elmer Black Jr. President Nebeker's wife, Lou Anne Waters Nebeker, will serve as temple matron. He serves as a patriarch and a sealer in the Memphis Tennessee Temple, and has served as a stake president, high councilor, bishop, and branch president. A research forester for Mississippi State University, he was born in Richfield, Utah, to DeMar and Carrie Luzon Shaw Nebeker.

Sister Nebeker serves as a temple ordinance worker in the Memphis Tennessee Temple, has served as a stake Relief Society president and counselor, ward Relief Society president's counselor, and ward organist. She was born in Bingham Canyon, Utah, to Lynn and El Fonda Swapp Waters.
Hans Hjort Rode Nielsen, 68, Soborg Ward, Copenhagen Denmark Stake, called as president of the Copenhagen Denmark Temple, succeeding President Hans G. Ljungh. President Nielsen's wife, Ellen Haibrock, will serve as temple matron. Currently serving as a counselor in the Copenhagen Denmark Temple presidency, he has served as a bishop, assistant stake executive secretary, stake clerk and gospel doctrine teacher. A retired hospital physicist, he was born in Haslev, Soro, Denmark, to Orla Rode Nielsen and Ester Hjort Pedersen.

Sister Haibrock serves as an assistant to the matron of the Copenhagen Denmark Temple and has served as a stake Primary president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, seminary teacher and Relief Society teacher. She was born in Aalborg, Denmark, to William Petersen and Gerda Martha Altrock.
Charles Howard Recht, 74, Hamilton Ward, Stevensville Montana Stake, called as president of the Spokane Washington Temple, succeeding President Thomas H. Green. President Recht's wife, Elizabeth Maud McCracken Recht, will serve as temple matron. He serves as a temple ordinance worker in the Spokane Washington Temple and as the welfare Home Storage Center manager in Missoula, Mont. He has served as a mission president's counselor, district president, stake president's counselor, high councilor and bishop. A retired attorney and senior partner of Recht & Greep, Attorneys at Law, he was born in San Diego, Calif., to William and Gleo Grace Harrison Recht.

Sister Recht serves with her husband as a temple ordinance worker in the Spokane Washington Temple and at the welfare Home Storage Center in Missoula, Mont. She has served as a stake Relief Society president's counselor, district Relief Society and Primary president, ward Primary president, branch Relief Society and Primary president, counselor in a ward Young Women presidency and gospel doctrine teacher. She was born in New York, N.Y., to William James and Margaret Elaine Russell McCracken.