
Historic land acquired

The Church has confirmed the recent acquisition of property in historically significant locales in Missouri and Ohio.

Church spokesman Scott Trotter said May 5:

"The Church recently acquired operating farmland and several other non-farmland properties located in Missouri and Ohio from the Community of Christ. Non-farm sites include the Haun's Mill [historic site] and the Far West Burying Ground in Missouri as well as the Joseph Smith Sr. home in Kirtland, Ohio. We will continue farm operations and will maintain the historical properties. There are no plans for any development."

The tiny Haun's Mill settlement of Church members on Shoal Creek in Caldwell County was attacked on Oct. 30, 1838, by about 240 armed men. At least 17 people — men and boys — were massacred and 13 were injured.

Far West, about 16 miles to the west, was the main settlement of Church members after they were driven from Jackson County in November 1833.

In Ohio, the acquired property includes the home of Joseph Smith Sr., father to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and a lot that belonged to the Prophet's brother William.

The Community of Christ was formerly known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

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