President Thomas S. Monson observed his 87th birthday on Thursday, Aug. 21.
On the day before his birthday, President Monson’s counselors in the First Presidency, members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the Presiding Bishopric, Seventies, family and staff members in the First Presidency offices attended a noon social event in the Church Administration Building.
On the occasion of President Monson’s birthday, President Henry B. Eyring, first counselor in the First Presidency, shared with the Church News some thoughts about the Church president.
“President Monson is a prophet of God,” he said. “As I have sat in council with him I have observed his sense of humor, his leadership, and his compassion and concern for each of Heavenly Father’s children. I love and admire him and consider it a privilege to work by his side.”
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counselor in the First Presidency, said, “Over the many years I have known President Thomas S. Monson, I have always been impressed by his exemplary service. Especially during the last six years it has been my privilege to serve as his counselor, I have learned that he is a man with a deep love for the Lord and a great concern for the well-being of God’s children. He has a prophetic vision of what the gospel and the Church can bring to the world as a whole, but at the same time he is able to focus his personal service toward ‘the one.’
“When the Apostle Peter described Jesus, who had been his friend and teacher, he said: ‘[He] went about doing good.’ Looking at President Monson and his lifetime of service, I feel the same can be said of the man we sustain today as the prophet of God.”
President Monson spent his birthday attending to the duties of his office, including presiding over the weekly meeting of General Authorities in the Salt Lake Temple.
Plans for later in the day included having about 15 members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing to President Monson in the Church Administration Building.
President Monson expressed appreciation to the many Church members and others from throughout the world who sent cards, letters and other forms of birthday wishes. He regrets he is unable to respond to each personally.