"During the course of life, we are tested and tempted," Elder Hugo Montoya of the Seventy said. "We also have the opportunity to exercise agency and to help one another."
In his conference address Saturday afternoon, Oct. 3, Elder Montoya spoke on four ways burdens are lightened by giving service.
First, go the second mile. For example, regularly attending the temple is a sacrifice that could be considered the first mile, Elder Montoya said. "We begin walking the second mile when we … search for and prepare the names of our ancestors for temple ordinances, when we help in indexing, when we serve as temple workers and when we look for ways to help others have meaningful temple experiences.
2. Smile. "Your smile will help others."
"During the last general conference, a smile lightened my burdens in an immediate and extraordinary way, Elder Montoya said. When he was called as a Seventy, he felt nervous sitting on the stand with the other General Authorities. During the intermediate hymn, he felt a strong impression that someone was watching him. He looked over to the row where the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles sat to see then-Elder Russell M. Nelson turned around in his seat to look at where he was seated. When Elder Montoya caught his eye, Elder Nelson gave him a smile that brought peace to his heart.
3. Express compassion. Elder Montoya said, "If you are a priesthood holder, please use your power on behalf of the children of God, giving blessings to them. Express words of consolation and comfort to people who are suffering or experiencing afflictions."
4. Invite others [to] come to Church. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of God's plan, Elder Montoya said. "Inviting others to come to Church and to worthily partake of the sacrament will allow more of Heavenly Father's children to reflect on the Atonement," he said.
"It does not matter what our personal struggles are — whether they are disease or prolonged loneliness or suffering the temptations and tests of the adversary — the Good Shepherd is there," Elder Montoya said in closing. "He calls us by name and says, 'Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest'" (Matthew 11:28).