
‘Face to Face’ with Elder and Sister Bednar

Elder David A. Bednar and his wife, Sister Susan Bednar, answer questions during a Face to Face event for youth broadcast from the Church Office Building in Salt Lake City on May 12, 2015. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Elder David A. Bednar and his wife, Sister Susan Bednar, walk in together to a Face to Face event for youth broadcast from the Church Office Building in Salt Lake City on May 12, 2015. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI
Credit: IRI

For answers to questions and help with challenges it is crucial to rely on the guidance of the Holy Ghost, Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Susan Bednar, taught during a “Face to Face” live event with the youth of the Church on May 12.

Youth around the world met together online for what Elder Bednar called the “largest Mutual activity in the Church.”

Originating from Church headquarters in downtown Salt Lake City, the live broadcast included interaction with a seminary class in the Philippines and a youth group in Guatemala. A question-and-answer session allowed for interaction with youth of all ages, living in many different countries around the globe.

Through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram — as well as the search term #LDSface2face — the Bednars were able to share their message with any person with Internet access.

Topics of the event included developing an appropriate sense of individual worth, dealing with pride and doubts and learning to recognize promptings of the Spirit. Elder and Sister Bednar answered questions, sharing scriptures and personal experiences.

This is the first time a “Face to Face” event was available in 10 languages in 98 countries.

In the hours after the event, which included 114,000 live video streams, Church social media sites got 5,000 comments. There were also more than 10,000 tweets using #LDSface2face. The LDS Youth Facebook page asked youth to take a picture of where they were watching and with whom and post it using #LDSface2face. Thousands responded posting on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Families and youth groups can watch the archived event anytime at @marianne_holman

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