Allen Carlsen Ostergar Jr., 73, Oak Hills 4th Ward, Provo Utah Oak Hills Stake, called as president of the new Provo City Center Temple. President Ostergar’s wife, Nancy Sigrid Farnsworth Ostergar, will serve as temple matron. He serves as a stake president. He has served as president of the Louisville Kentucky Mission, president of the Brazil Missionary Training Center, president of a Young Single Adult stake and bishop. Former administrative director of Missionary Training Centers, he was born in Blackfoot, Idaho, to Allen Carlsen and Martha Deon Gooch Ostergar Munson.
Sister Ostergar serves as a ward choir president. She served with her husband as he presided over the Kentucky Louisville Mission and over the Brazil Missionary Training Center. She has also served as ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, and ward Primary president. She was born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, to Harry Clifton and Ruth Elizabeth Oquist Farnsworth.
Jackson Christopher Yee, 71, Tamavua 2nd Ward, Suva Fiji North Stake, called as president of the newly renovated Suva Fiji Temple. President Yee’s wife, Mele Seniteteva Germaine Kiso Yee, will serve as temple matron. He is serving a Church-service mission as a country Welfare manager for Fiji, and also serves as a temple ordinance worker. He has served as a stake president’s counselor, bishop, high councilor and stake executive secretary. A retired cattle rancher, he was born in Daviqele, Nabukelevi, Kadauv, Fiji, to Kum Wah and Marica Seini Bole Yee.
Sister Yee serves in a ward Relief Society presidency and as a temple ordinance worker. She has served as stake and ward Relief Society president. She was born in Suva, Fiji, to Mosese and Seini Moce Matai Kiso.