Arthur Dole Hannemann, 60, and Margaret Ann Miller Hannemann, seven children, Sunset Branch, Laie Hawaii North Stake: Samoa Apia Mission, succeeding President Reed C. Tolman and Sister Debra Tolman. Brother Hannemann serves as a branch Primary teacher and is a former stake president, bishop, high councilor, ward Young Men president, Scoutmaster and missionary in the Samoa Apia Mission. Owner, Kahuku Grill and Seven Brothers. Born in Torrance, California, to Max Seiuli Young Hannemann and Irene Hannemann.
Sister Hannemann serves as a branch Primary president and is a former stake Relief Society president’s counselor, ward Relief Society president and ward Young Women and Primary president’s counselor. Born in Portsmouth, Virginia, to Bernard Miller and Martha Ann Miller.
Warren G. Tate, 70, and Suzanne Jeppson Tate, five children, Holladay 3rd Ward, Salt Lake Holladay Stake; Family and Church History Headquarters Mission. President Tate is a former Seventy, president of the Nevada Las Vegas Mission, counselor in the Utah Salt Lake City Mission, member of General Church Music committee, counselor in stake presidency, and missionary in Ireland. Owner-partner in Tate/Brubaker Real Estate Services. Born in Levan, Utah, to Gerald Edwin and Ruth Beagley Tate.
Sister Tate is a former member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, member of the General Church Music committee, stake choir director, stake cultural arts specialist, Relief Society teacher, Primary teacher, ward choir director and young single adult adviser. Born in Salt Lake City to Edward Mayer and Elizabeth Whitaker Taylor Jeppson.