
Elder Ian S. Ardern: ‘Seek Ye Out of the Best Books’

Elder Ian S. Ardern The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Latter-day Saints live in a day in which misinformation about their beliefs abounds, said Elder Ian S. Ardern, a General Authority Seventy, in his Sunday afternoon talk of general conference on Oct. 1.

“In times such as these, a failure to protect and deepen our spiritual roots is an invitation to have them gnawed at by those who seek to destroy our faith in Christ and our belief in His restored Church,” he said.

Prophets and apostles have long reminded Christ’s followers to do all they can to fortify themselves against words of opposition and deception. In his visits to wards and stakes across the Church, Elder Ardern said he is uplifted to see members positively and faithfully responding to the teachings of the Savior and His servants.

“The increase in Sabbath Day observance is but one example of members spiritually fortifying themselves by heeding prophetic invitations,” he said. “Further strengthening is evidenced in the increase in temple and family history work as families gather their ancestors through temple ordinances. Our spiritual roots go deeper as sincere personal and family prayer become bastions of our faith, as we repent daily, seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost and learn of our Savior and His attributes and strive to become like Him.”

Christ is the light of the world. He beckons all to follow Him. “We must look to Him at all times and especially so, if there are dark and stormy nights, when the tempest of doubt and uncertainty, like a rolling fog, creeps in.”

Elder Ardern said the greater Christ’s light is in one’s life, the fewer the shadows. However, people will try to misrepresent the beliefs of the Church.

“Questions about our Church history and beliefs do arise,” he said. “Where we turn to find the correct answers requires great care. There is nothing to be gained in exploring the views and opinions of the less informed or disenchanted. The best counsel was given by the Apostle James: ‘If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.’”

The scriptures, he added, remain reliable sources of truth. “From those thin pages thick with spiritual insights, we learn truth through the Holy Ghost and thereby increase in light.”

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