
New stake presidents

NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND STAKE: (May 14, 2017) President — Robert John Clayton, 46, tax partner group; succeeding Karl D. Hirst; wife, Claire Louise Martin Clayton. Counselors — Mark Nathan Manning, 37, Oxford seminaries and institutes coordinator, LDS Church; wife, Helen Elizabeth Gee Manning. Eliot Gregory Reeves, 42, product director, IMS Evolve; wife, Naomi Louise Reeves.

POCATELLO IDAHO YSA 1ST STAKE: (May 7, 2017) President — Douglas Evan Hill, 57, safety professional, Idaho Power Co.; succeeding Michael C. Mickelsen; wife, Natalie Harris. Counselors — John Earl Giraud, 58, process engineer; wife, MaryLou Weight Giraud. Rick Lee Poole, 58, computer engineer; wife, Kendra Jo Wade Poole.

PROVO UTAH WEST STAKE: (May 7, 2017) President — Brian K. Holman, 46, chief operating officer, Close To My Heart; succeeding Cort D. Ouderkirk; wife, Julie Anna Izatt Holman. Counselors — Paul Ryan McCoard, 43, owner, Sunshine Greenhouses; wife, Jeni Rebecca Hughes McCoard. Scott Burl Jarvis, 45, director of operational exellence, Purple; wife, Merrilee Ellen Esplin Jarvis.

REDMOND WASHINGTON STAKE: (May 7, 2017) President — Todd Brent Thompson, 53, dealer principal; succeeding Gordon W. Tanner; wife, Lori Anne Bean Thompson. Counselors — Michael Scott Seamons, 45, executive product leader, Microsoft; wife, Michele Tucker Seamons. John Robert Dance, 57, principal software engineer, Tableau Software; wife, Sharla Kae Grover Dance.

ROSEVILLE CALIFORNIA STAKE: (April 30, 2017) President — William Shane Trythall, 46, physician; succeeding David C. Olsen; wife, Kelly Anne Coons Trythall. Counselors — Edmond Jules Bertola Jr., 65, retired peace officer; wife, Carmen Diane Clegg. Brian Wong Alconcel, 41, civil engineer; wife, Melanie Vilani Alconcel.

SANDY UTAH ALTA VIEW STAKE: (April 30, 2017) President — Brian A. Richardson, 55, Church controller representative, CPB; succeeding Steven R. Teerlink; wife, Susan Doughty Richardson. Counselors — Steven Poulsen, 59, software development manager, FamilySearch; wife, Melanie Ann Beardshall Poulsen. David Randall Zackrison, 60, physician; wife, JoAnn Kaluhiokalani Zackrison.

SAVAII SAMOA SOUTH STAKE: (May 14, 2017) President — Mose Molam Li’o, 49, assistant supervisor, Global Service Center, LDS Church; succeeding Auva’a Laulu; wife, Salurale Mauigoa Li’o. Counselors — Auvae Taua Ah Chee, 52, bus owner; wife, Ieremia Lalovaea Ah Chee. Pupi Magalogo Sosaiete, 40, farmer; wife, Pea Magalogo Sosaiete.

TACOMA WASHINGTON SOUTH STAKE: (May 7, 2017) President — Lloyd Dixon Oaks, 60, deputy prosecutor; succeeding Gary F. Gessel; wife, Natalie Mietus Oaks. Counselors — Mark Graham Lybbert, 55, mortgage broker; wife, Marion Dyer Lybbert. Christen R. Blackner, 54, account executive; wife, Rebecca Mae Lutz Blackner.

TAYLORSVILLE UTAH YSA STAKE: (April 23, 2017) President — Alan Burton Tingey, 64, owner, Tingey Advisors; succeeding Berne S. Broadbent; wife, Susan Virginia Fogg Tingey. Counselors — Bruce Jean McDonough, 65, vice president, Layton Construction; wife, Allyson Balli. Richard Lee Morrill, 64, consultant; wife, Debra Yvonne Webster Morrill.

VILLAHERMOSA MEXICO GAVIOTAS STAKE: (May 7, 2017) — Miguel Angel Palacios Gallegos, 37, teacher; succeeding Jimenez Coy Guillermo; wife, Eyra Camas Valenzuela. Counselors — Josué Miguel Solís Mis, 35, property manager, LDS Church; Mercy Janett Angulo Góngora. José Oscar Álvarez Acosta, 35, industrial safety manager, Nytesa; wife, Ariadna Anieves Alvarez.

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