
Elder Robert C. Gay: 'Taking Upon Ourselves the Name of Jesus Christ'

Presidency of the Seventy

Notable quotes:

Elder Robert C. Gay spoke about the importance of taking on the name of Christ and trusting in Him during his October 2018 general conference address. Here are a few favorite quotes from his address:

“In the eyes of Christ, each soul is of infinite worth. No one is preordained to fail. Eternal life is possible for all.”“Saints take the Savior’s name upon themselves by becoming holy and ministering to all regardless of where or how they stand — lives are saved as we do so.”“His love is greater than our fears, our addictions, our doubts, our temptations, our sins, our broken families, our depression and anxieties, our chronic illness, our poverty, our abuse, our despair and our loneliness.”

Talk summary:

In order for individuals to take the name of Christ upon themselves, they must: “Faithfully strive to see as God sees,” “do His work and serve as He served,” and “trust Him.”

All of God’s children are “sacred beings,” and as such, each of their souls hold infinite worth. Heavenly Father endows each of His children with the power to bless themselves, their families and the lives of all those around them. But in order to do so, individuals must sanctify themselves by purifying their hearts, repenting of their sins, becoming converted and loving as He loves.

While the world argues that joy may be found away from the gospel path, such joy is short lived. “There simply is no enduring joy outside of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

By trusting in God and His love for His children, all can know the truth that, “He wants all to know there is nothing and no one He is unable to heal and deliver to enduring joy.”

Promised blessings:

Pulling from the story of the woman at the well to whom Christ ministers, Elder Gay promised that no matter the circumstances of life, Christ “knows our life situations” and “we can always walk with him no matter where we stand.” Whatever the price to follow Christ, “to trust Him is worth it.”

Speaker Snapshot:

Elder Robert C. Gay was named a member of the Presidency of the Seventy on March 31, 2018.He supervises the North America Northeast Area and assists Elder Gary E. Stevenson in supervising the Asia and Asia North Areas.He was sustained as a General Authority Seventy on March 31, 2012, and spoke in the Saturday afternoon session of conference in October later that year.He previously served as a member of the Sixth Quorum of the Seventy in the North America Southeast Area.He holds a Ph.D in business economics from Harvard University and obtained his bachelor degree in economics and statistics from the University of Utah.He worked previously as the chief executive officer for an investment firm which he co-founded.He also previously worked for 15 years at Bain Capital as a managing director.In April of 1974, he married Sister Lynette Nielsen. Together, they have seven children.

Notable facts:

He has been a member of the National Advisory Council for the BYU Marriott School since 2000.In 2013 he was recognized as the 20th recipient of the Distinguished Utahn Award given by the BYU Management Society's Salt Lake Chapter.He co-founded Huntsman Gay Capital Partners and served as the company’s CEO until being called as a General Authority.He has served as chairman of the Self-Reliance Services and Perpetual Education Fund Committee.

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