
Unleashing the power of families: How the ‘Come, Follow Me’ curriculum has ‘fundamentally’ shifted the gospel experience for members around the world

Zach, Scott and Tyler Friesen play the game Otrio at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Tyler Friesen checks in on his brother Luke Friesen as he reads at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Tyler Friesen lifts his brother Luke Friesen up on his feet as they play at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Jenny Friesen listens as her son Luke Friesen reads at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Scott Friesen and his son Zach Friesen play guitar at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Luke Friesen rests on his brother Tyler Friesen as they take a break from playing at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Tyler Friesen jokes around while playing the game Otrio at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Zach Friesen and his father Scott Friesen joke around while playing the game Otrio at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Tyler Friesen jokes with his siblings at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Zach, Luke and Tyler Friesen debate who is the artist in the family at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Jenny Friesen looks at her husband Scott Friesen at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Jenny Friesen laughs with her son Luke Friesen at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Luke Friesen reads at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Jenny Friesen reads letters as her son Tyler Friesen drinks a smoothie at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Luke Friesen climbs on his brother Tyler Friesen as they play at home in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Their father Scott and brother Zach are behind them. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Olga Boiko, Pavel Boiko and Daria Boiko look out at the Vancouver skyline from Lonsdale Quay in North Vancouver, British Columbia, on Monday, Sept. 17, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Hevenxen de Guzman and Baelfire de Guzman play in front of the Vancouver British Columbia Temple in Langley, British Columbia, on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Emma Salerno, 7, prepares her talk for a children's sacrament meeting as her father Daniele and sister Alice, 3, watch at home in Rome, Italy, on Sunday morning, Nov. 18, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Emma Salerno, 7, prepares her talk for a children's sacrament meeting at home with her mother Norma and sister Alice in Rome, Italy, on Sunday morning, Nov. 18, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News
Norma Salerno and Daniele Salerno check on Alice Salerno's teeth after her older sister lost a tooth at home in Rome, Italy, on Sunday, Nov. 18, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Daniele Salerno plays with his daughters Emma, left, and Alice, right, at home in Rome, Italy, on Sunday morning, Nov. 18, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Justin Allen reads to his daughter Emilia Allen at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Justin, Daniel and Emilia Allen walk home with their dog Lou in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Alexis Allen eats dinner with her children at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Tom and Emilia Allen warm up with hot chocolates after getting caught in a rain storm at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Emilia Allen watches a heavy rainfall near her home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Ben, Daniel, Alexis, Tom and Emilia Allen play Memory at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Ben, Tom, Daniel and Emilia Allen play Memory at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Emilia Allen prays before dinner at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Emilia Allen opens up a new journal at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Daniel Allen, right, leads him family in prayer before dinner at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. His father Justin Allen is on the left. Jonathan, Alexis and Emilia Allen are on the right side of the table. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Alexis and Justin Allen chat at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Alexis Allen and Daniel Allen play Memory at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Alexis Allen helps her son Daniel Allen make hot chocolate at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Emilia Allen talks to her mother Alexis Allen outside of their home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Emilia Allen pets Lou outside of their home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Justin Allen pulls his wife Alexis Allen out of the rain near their home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Jonathan, Justin, Emilia, and Ben Allen watch storm clouds in the distance while walking home with their dog Lou in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Daniel Allen stirs hot chocolate while his father Justin Allen supervises at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Emilia Allen drinks hot chocolate after getting caught in a rain storm at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Daniel Allen clinks his hot chocolate mug after getting caught in a rain storm at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Daniel and Tom Allen chat over hot chocolate at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Emilia, Ben, Daniel, Tom and Jonathan Allen cheers with hot chocolate mugs after getting caught in a rain storm at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Justin Allen holds his son Daniel Allen at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Justin Allen reads to his daughter Emilia Allen at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Justin Allen, center, reads to his son Tom Allen and daughter Emilia Allen at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Justin Allen, center, reads to his son Tom Allen and daughter Emilia Allen at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News
Families using the new home-centered, Church-supported curriculum are beginning to witness the power promised by President Nelson when he announced it during the October 2018 general conference. Credit: Graphic created by Aaron Thorup, Deseret News, Deseret News

Huddled together on the bottom bunk bed, covered with sheets to block out all the light, Ether and Enoch Daire giggled with glee when their dad, Brent Daire, suddenly flooded their dark makeshift fort with light by turning on a handheld lamp.

"We asked them where the darkness had gone," Brent Daire recounted. "They said, 'It's gone!'"

After turning the light on and off a few times, Brent Daire and his wife, Maika Daire, explained to their young sons that darkness cannot exist in the light.

"We gave them a turn on the torch (flashlight) each. We then spoke about the scripture we had read previously in John, about Jesus Christ being the 'light,' and 'darkness' being some of the bad or sad things,'" Brent Daire explained. And when he asked his sons who is a light that can help them when they feel sad or bad, Enoch, age 2, proudly exclaimed, "Jesus!"

Ether, age 4, excitedly added, "Heavenly Father will send Jesus to help me!"

Daniele Salerno plays with his daughters Emma, left, and Alice, right, at home in Rome, Italy, on Sunday morning, Nov. 18, 2018.
Daniele Salerno plays with his daughters Emma, left, and Alice, right, at home in Rome, Italy, on Sunday morning, Nov. 18, 2018. | Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News

It was an exciting lesson, Brent Daire said, and after a few more laughs and a closing prayer, the little Tasmanian family, members of the Devonport Australia Stake, spilled out of their makeshift fort to continue on with their evening activities.

The lesson, which lasted only a few minutes to help keep the attention of the two young boys, is just one example of the creative ways the Daire family — and thousands of other Latter-day Saint families — has begun implementing the new "Come, Follow Me — For Individuals and Families" curriculum in their home each week.

Making the Sabbath more holy

Before the start of the new year, which marked both the implementation of the new Sunday Church meeting schedule and the implementation of the new home-centered curriculum, Sundays were an exhausting day for the Daire family.

Driving to and from Church took 45 minutes each way, and with their callings and responsibilities at Church and the three-hour meeting schedule, they were typically away from home at least six hours each Sunday.

Justin Allen, center, reads to his son Tom Allen and daughter Emilia Allen at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018.
Justin Allen, center, reads to his son Tom Allen and daughter Emilia Allen at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. | Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News

"We had very little time for each other and if we did we were just as likely to collapse into bed for one of those long Sunday naps," Brent Daire said.

And even though they've only had a few weeks to implement the new schedule and new curriculum, things are already different, Brent Daire explained.

"We have more time in the morning together now to prepare and get ready. When we get to church, our load feels as if it’s been halved. When we get home … we have a family time."

For Judy Gilbertson, a member of the Adelaide Australia Marion Stake, her two youngest daughters who are still living at home, and her husband, Glen Gilbertson, Sundays have become special each week as they have increased their focus on keeping the Sabbath day holy.

Ben, Tom, Daniel and Emilia Allen play Memory at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018.
Ben, Tom, Daniel and Emilia Allen play Memory at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. | Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News

Her daughters, ages 14 and 7, ask a lot of questions during their weekly 'Come, Follow Me' family study time.

"We have become more prepared and more focused on learning together. We now prepare for the Sabbath on a Saturday night by getting everything prepared for Sunday like our clothing, shoes, 'Come, Follow Me' journal, pens, pencils, etc., our scriptures and so forth … so in the morning we just need to have our breakfast and then start on our Sunday spiritual journey."

In some wards, attendance and participation at Sunday meetings have also noticeably increased since the start of the new year.

As the Sunday School president in the Orem Utah Vineyard Stake, Mattson Newell has spoken with many families about the new curriculum in addition to family he has in Sweden and in England. "We all agree that we have never seen so many people come prepared having read the material before. It is amazing!" said Newell, who also has three Primary-age children. "You see so many more people participating and discussing. In the Primary classes … children are sharing more comments and many are starting with, 'My family talked about this,' or 'My family did that.' It's wonderful!"

It fundamentally shifts the gospel experience back onto us and gives us the tools and the time to do what the Lord would have us do.

Newell said he has also noticed that his children are retaining more of what they learn. "They are hearing it at home, from their parents and each other, and then they are hearing it from their teachers and peers at Church. Their retention is increasing with what they are learning because of this repetition and focus and they are becoming better versed in the gospel and more importantly it is strengthening their testimony."

A fundamental shift

When the new curriculum was announced and detailed by President Russell M. Nelson in his closing address during the October 2018 general conference, he said, “The new home-centered, Church-supported integrated curriculum has the potential to unleash the power of families, as each family follows through conscientiously and carefully to transform their home into a sanctuary of faith.”

Putting that home-centered curriculum into practice since the beginning of the new year has been empowering for their family, Brent Daire explained.

"It fundamentally shifts the gospel experience back onto us and gives us the tools and the time to do what the Lord would have us do," he said. "It even facilitates time and gives a reason for us as a couple to sit down and seek revelation together. … Every time we do that, our revelatory capacity and experiences increase, our testimonies become stronger, our marriage becomes stronger. … Home truly becomes heaven on earth."

Rather than struggling to get their boys to sit down for a few minutes while they attempt to read a few scripture passages, family study time has become something to look forward to for their family.

Emilia Allen prays before dinner at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018.
Emilia Allen prays before dinner at home in Renton, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018. | Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News

"The boys now run to the couch when we say it’s scripture time," Brent Daire said. "They are excited to give answers to questions. They are excited to say the prayer or pick someone to say the prayer, and they are excited to watch a video, or play a game."

For Jessica Beevers of the Nottingham England Stake and her family, the switch to the new curriculum was a big change from the way they previously studied the scriptures.

"I had been so focussed on getting through a lot of pages every day, but the 'Come, Follow Me' program only covers one or two chapters a week. It's been a real change to slow down and focus on what things I can get out of individual chapters and verses rather than getting larger stories in one sitting."

And her personal study, in turn, helps contribute to their family study.

Emma Salerno, 7, prepares a talk for Primary at home with her father, Daniele, and sister, Alice, in Rome, Italy, on Sunday morning, Nov. 18, 2018.
Emma Salerno, 7, prepares a talk for Primary at home with her father, Daniele, and sister, Alice, in Rome, Italy, on Sunday morning, Nov. 18, 2018. | Credit: Kristin Murphy, Deseret News, Deseret News

Beevers, along with her husband, Joel Beevers, and their three children — Katie, 4; Timothy, 3; and Nathaniel, 1 — all participate in gospel study and family time centered around the new curriculum.

"One thing that will always be true of very young children is that deep doctrinal discussions are very rarely practical," Beevers said. "I admit I wondered how we would put 'Come, Follow Me' into practice for our children at the ages they are, because the focus has seemed to be on getting doctrinal discussions, and I just didn't know how we would manage that. However, I've found that most of the chapters outlined have had a story that worked well to talk about with young children."

She explained how having the children act out the various scriptures has prompted them to point out elements of the stories that they as parents haven't really noticed or thought about. The children also recall the stories really well, she said, and they enjoy telling the stories back to their parents throughout the week.

The curriculum puts the focus onto the scriptures and the doctrine and gives each person a chance to engage with them on a personal level and, as Gilbertson explained, it has "impressed upon my mind how we still have a lot to learn and how sometimes our teachers can be our children."

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