
Meet the new Area Seventies called during October 2019 general conference

Attendees leave the 189th Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City on Sunday, Oct. 6, 2019. Credit: Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News
Elder R. Pepper Murray, an Area Seventy Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Elder Ryan K. Olsen, an Area Seventy Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Elder Alfred Kyungu, an Area Seventy Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Michel J. Carter, an Area Seventy Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Elder Iotua Tune, an Area Seventy Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

The following were called to serve as new Area Seventies during the Saturday afternoon session of the 189th Semiannual General Conference on Oct. 5.

Michel J. Carter, 65, Lac-Brome, Canada; retired; Montreal Quebec Temple president; former bishop, counselor in a bishopric, branch president, high councilor, counselor in a mission presidency, mission president and stake president. Wife, Danielle D.; five children.

Alfred Kyungu, 52, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Church family history manager; recently released as president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Mbuji-Mayi Mission; former counselor in a bishopric, high councilor and counselor in a stake presidency. Wife, Lucie; three children.

See all the talk summaries, photo galleries from October 2019 general conference

R. Pepper Murray, 60, Bountiful, Utah; orthopedic surgeon, self-employed; Salt Lake Married Student 2nd Stake president; former bishop, high councilor and counselor in a stake presidency. Wife, Rachelle; three children.

Ryan K. Olsen, 44, Salt Lake City; senior vice president/chief operating officer, Moreton & Company; recently released as president of the Uruguay Montevideo West Mission; former bishop, counselor in a bishopric, high councilor, stake mission president and stake president. Wife, Julie; four children.

Iotua Tune, 60, Taborio, Kiribati; MLS coordinator, Presiding Bishopric Office, Temporal Affairs; first counselor of the Marshall Islands/Kiribati Mission presidency; former bishop, branch president, district president and stake president. Wife, Maii Toanimatang; seven children.

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