Notable quotes:
“We know God’s plan. We were there with Him as He presented it.” “Brothers, sisters, children and youth, can we… share the gospel with others?… We can do it.” “We have a loving Heavenly Father who is waiting for us to turn to Him to bless our lives and the lives of those around us.” Summary points:
- The simple truths of God’s plan of happiness can be shared with others and bring great joy.
- Latter-day Saints can share the gospel by inviting others to Church, sharing the Book of Mormon and participating in the “Come, Follow Me” program.
- The work of salvation includes missionary work, convert retention and temple and family history work.
Talk summary:
Latter-day Saints know God’s plan — they accepted His plan of happiness, redemption and salvation before coming to earth. Members also know that Jesus Christ is central to God’s plan through His Atonement. Meanwhile, agency remains one of God’s greatest gifts — allowing His children to choose whether to follow Jesus Christ of Satan. Those “simple truths” can be shared with others.
President Dallin H. Oaks has taught that members can do three things to help share the gospel.
First, pray for the desire to help with this vital part of the work of salvation. Second, keep the commandments to have the Savior’s guiding Spirit. And third, pray for inspiration to to know how to share the gospel — and for the commitment to act upon that inspiration.
Invite a friend who is not a Latter-day Saint to attend Church services. Share a copy of the Book of Mormon with a relative or friend. Help others find their ancestors on FamilySearch. Share what’s being taught in “Come, Follow Me.”
Become more like the Savior by sharing with others His gospel.
The work of salvation includes member/missionary work, convert retention, activation of less active members, temple and family history work and teaching the gospel.
“My dear friends, the Lord needs us.”
The Lord has promised His followers that all who labor “in crying repentance unto this people” — and save but one soul — shall have great joy in God’s kingdom.
A loving Heavenly Father is waiting for His children to turn to Him and bless the lives of all those around them.
In the news:
At the 2019 Mission Leadership Seminar in June, Sister Franco shared five principles for mission leaders she recalled from Elder M. Russell Ballard’s counsel at a seminar she attended at five years before. She outlined these principles “in hopes that it will bless you, enlighten your minds and give you the further direction and guidance you may be seeking.”
About the speaker:
- Sister Cristina B. Franco was called in April 2017 as the second counselor in the Primary general presidency.
- She served with her husband, Brother Rodolfo Franco, as he presided over the Argentina Resistencia Mission from 2014 to 2017 prior to her being called to the Primary general presidency.
- Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, she first moved to Utah with her parents in 1977 when she was 18 years old.
- Sister Franco and her husband were married in the Salt Lake Temple on Dec. 15, 1978. They have three children.
- She worked for 28 years in her family’s business, which specialized in fixing and selling watches.
Recently on social:
Sister Franco shared her excitement for the implementation of the “Come Follow Me” program, and her thoughts on how to adjust to this different way of teaching and learning.
Sister Franco recalled her time serving a mission with her husband, Brother Rodolfo Franco, in the Argentina, Resistencia mission as she wrote about her experience at the recent Mission Leadership Seminar.