Notable quotes:
“The restored gospel is, in a sense, a renewal of the call to adventure we accepted so long ago.” “If you hesitate in this adventure because you doubt your ability, remember that discipleship is not about doing things perfectly, it is about doing things intentionally. It is your choices that show what you truly are, far more than your abilities.” “We do not hide our faith. We do not bury it.” Summary points:
- Trusting in the promises and power of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, each person who has come to earth accepted Heavenly Father’s challenge.
- The path of discipleship is to help others. Help the poor and needy and reach out to those in distress.
- Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints take upon them the name of Jesus Christ and have a glorious message to share with others.
Talk summary:
Before anyone was born, God invited His children to embark on an adventure. It wouldn’t be easy and it meant leaving the comfort and security of God’s presence. “But we also knew that we would gain precious treasures, including a physical body and experiencing the intense joys and sorrows of mortality.”
Despite making mistakes, each person has the promise that “because of the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we could be cleansed of our transgressions, refined and purified in our spirits, and, one day, resurrected and reunited with those we love.”
Trusting in the promises and power of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, each person who has come to earth accepted the challenge.
To begin on this journey, first, “you need to choose to incline your heart to God. Strive each day to find Him. Learn to love Him. And then let that love inspire you to learn, understand and follow His teachings and keep God’s commandments.”
The path of discipleship is to help others. “Faith, hope, love, compassion and service refine us as disciples.” Help the poor and needy and reach out to those in distress.
Do not be ashamed of being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ. Each member must take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ.
“We do not hide our faith. We do not bury it.”
Members have a glorious message to share: “because of Jesus Christ, every man, woman and child can return home safely to their heavenly home, and there, dwell in glory and righteousness!”
If anyone has felt the stirrings to join the adventure of living and sharing the gospel, there will be no perfect time to start. “… I assure you, today is the day to follow God’s Son and our Savior on His path of service and discipleship.”
In the news:
- Elder Uchtdorf attended the Frankfurt Germany Temple open house in September 2019 prior to its rededication, and spoke to journalists about his memories from its dedication 32 years before.
- In July 2019, Elder Uchtdorf, a native of Germany, visited Salt Lake City’s German Speaking Ward on their last Sunday before transitioning to English speaking wards.
- In July 2019, Elder Uchtdorf attended the dedication of the Pioneer Children’s Memorial at This is the Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City.
- Elder Uchtdorf urged mission leaders to keep themselves open to receiving revelation through “dedicated preparation and meaningful repetition” at the 2019 Mission Leadership Seminar in June 2019.
- Elder Uchtdorf and his wife, Sister Harriet Uchtdorf, accompanied President Russell M. Nelson and his wife, Sister Wendy Nelson, for President Nelson’s devotional to members in the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida, in June 2019.
- In April 2019, Elder Uchtdorf visited Germany and Austria on assignment where he visited members, missionaries and wards. This trip gave him the chance to recall memories of the Church’s past in Germany and reinforce messages about ministering.
About the speaker:
- Elder Uchtdorf has been a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles since 2004. He served as a counselor in the First Presidency from February 2008-January 2018.
- From 1965-1996, he was a pilot, captain and corporate executive for the German airline, Lufthansa.
- As a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, he is currently the chairman of the Missionary Executive Council, where he directs the global operation of all missionary activity for the Church.
Recently on Social:
- As part of the member missionary efforts around the world, Elder Uchtdorf has been sharing a series of videos on how everyone can do missionary work.
- Elder Uchtdorf shared a message about families during the open house of the Frankfurt Germany Temple prior to its rededication.
- He also shared a video from when he was in a television interview at the time of the Frankfurt temple’s original dedication.
- Elder Uchtdorf shared stories of his heritage and life as a child refugee after attending the dedication of the Pioneer Children’s Memorial at This is the Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City.
- Elder Uchtdorf shared a message about God’s love for all His children on Instagram after visiting the African American museum in Washington, D.C.