Notable quotes:
“Only by faith in Jesus Christ, continuing repentance, and keeping covenants are we able to claim the lasting happiness we all yearn to experience and retain.” “Qualifying for the gift of holiness requires humility, meekness, and patience.” “Greater holiness will not come simply by asking for it. It will come by doing what is needed for God to change us.” Summary points:
- All who seek to have lasting happiness can find it through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the eternal plan of salvation.
- Trials and times of adversity can be difficult but, by trusting in the Lord, such difficulties can help individuals to grow and become more holy.
- Greater happiness and holiness can be found through daily repentance and by seeking to become more like Christ and following His example.
Talk summary:
Lasting happiness is something all are eager to find, but such happiness can be found only through the plan of happiness that Heavenly Father has laid out for His children. As Alma taught in the Book of Mormon, “increasing in holiness (is) the only path to happiness.”
“Only by faith in Jesus Christ, continuing repentance, and keeping covenants are we able to claim the lasting happiness we yearn to experience and retain.”
The scriptures teach that one becomes more holy by exercising faith in Christ, being obedient, repenting, sacrificing for Him, receiving ordinances and keeping covenants with God. “Qualifying for the gift of holiness requires humility, meekness, and patience.”
The calming, quiet influence of the Holy Ghost can help individuals become more holy as they strive to continually be worthy of the Spirit’s guidance and presence.
Some may wonder, though, “Why do I not feel the peace and happiness promised to those who have been faithful? I have been faithful through terrible adversity, but I don’t feel happiness.”
In such instances, it is important to remember that change does not merely come by asking for it. “Greater holiness … will come by doing what is needed for God to change us,” and that often means through times of adversity. Both Joseph Smith and Job are examples of becoming more holy through difficult challenges.
President Russell M. Nelson‘s advice for “how to move along the covenant path to greater holiness” is simple: “Experience the strengthening power of daily repentance — of doing and being a little better each day.”
Holiness is a gift from God that must be sought after each day through repentance and increasing people’s faith in the Savior, allowing Him to transform them.
In the news:
- President Eyring spoke at the leadership session of the Church’s 189th Semiannual General Conference in October 2019, where President Russell M. Nelson announced a historic policy change allowing women, youth and children to serve as witnesses of ordinances.
- On May 19, 2019, President Eyring rededicated the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple. He had spiritual experiences as he remembered his great-grandfather, who served his mission in the area.
- At the 2019 Mission Leadership Seminar in June, President Eyring reminded new mission presidents and companions of their role to help missionaries in helping others.
About the speaker:
- President Henry B. Eyring has been a General Authority for more than three decades since he was first called in 1985.
- He served as a counselor to President Thomas S. Monson from 2008 to 2018, and as a counselor to President Gordon B. Hinckley from 2007 to 2008. Now, he is serving as second counselor to President Russell M. Nelson.
- He married Kathleen Johnson in the Logan Utah Temple in July 1962. They are the parents of four sons and two daughters.
Recently on social:
- President Eyring shared a photo of him and his wife, Sister Kathy Eyring, on their wedding day on Instagram, and shared his testimony of temples and eternal life and marriage.
- President Eyring bore his testimony on Instagram of the power of the Atonement to help people get through their problems and the power of worthiness.