Notable quotes:
“(Jesus Christ) can relieve our burdens by strengthening our shoulders so much that we can endure them.” “There is always hope in God the Father and in His plan of happiness, in Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice, and in living Their loving commandments.” “May we choose to seek His forgiveness and His help, and take an important and difficult step by forgiving those who have hurt us so that our wounds may begin to heal.” Summary points:
- The Lord, through His grace, can help individuals “carry their cross” and make their burden light.
- All who wish to “take their cross upon themselves” love the Savior, deny themselves “of all ungodliness” and keep His commandments.
- Refuse to be “held hostage” by those who have caused harm. Choose to forgive.
Talk summary:
By applying the teachings shared at general conference, the Lord will help each of His followers “carry our cross and make our burdens light.”
Christ taught that all who follow Him must “deny themselves” and control their desires and appetites — and be willing to sacrifice everything in submission to the will of the Father, just as He did.
The scriptures teach that those who wish to take up their cross “deny themselves of all ungodliness” and keep His commandments.
Those who may be feeling lonely and helpless or abandoned and forgotten can accept the Savior’s invitation to “take up” his or her cross and follow Him in faith and hope. “The same principles apply to those of you who are experiencing same-gender attraction and feel discouraged and hopeless.”
There is always hope in God and in His plan of happiness — all made possible through Christ’s Atonement. Those who have committed serious sins can repent and draw closer to the Savior.
“Please never give up after subsequent failures and consider yourself incapable of abandoning sins and overcoming addictions. You cannot afford to stop trying.”
The Savior’s gift of grace is not necessarily limited to “after all we can do.” His grace is available before, during and after a person’s efforts to change.
Miracles await all who strive to overcome their challenges through Christ. Find peace by forgiving others and letting go of negative feelings.
Taking up one’s cross includes being humble and trusting in God and in His infinite wisdom. “We cannot condition our faithfulness to Him by imposing upon Him a deadline for the answers to our desires.”
Finally, “taking up our cross” and following the Savior requires individuals to follow His example and strive to be like Him.
In the news:
- Along with Elder Craig C. Christensen, a General Authority Seventy, Elder Soares held a Face to Face Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults in September. The two men and their wives addressed common concerns of the young people of the Church in English, Portguese and Spanish.
- In June 2019, Elder Soares dedicated the Fortaleza Brazil Temple, the 7th temple in Brazil.
- Elder Soares visited Brazil, his childhood home, for the first time in 12 years in April. There, he presided at the São Paulo Brazil Cumbica Stake conference and leadership meetings.
- As he visited Asia in August, Elder Soares renewed his 20-year friendship with the Shinto religion in Japan.
- At the 2019 Mission Leadership Seminar in June, Elder Soares shared 5 tips for joyful missionary work.
About the speaker:
- Elder Ulisses Soares has been a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for one year. He was sustained on March 31, 2018.
- Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he is the first and only apostle from South America serving in the quorum. In August 2018, he went to Brazil on his first official visit since his call to the Twelve.
- Both he and Sister Soares served in the Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission. They began dating after their missions when they ran into each other at a stake dance.
Recently on social:
- Elder Soares and Elder Christensen invited all the young adults of the Church to join them in the Face to Face event. Elder Soares always creates two posts for his social media platforms; one in English and one in Portugese.
- Elder Soares posted a video created by the Church which displayed the natural landscape of his home country, Brazil, and likened the blending of its native rivers to the unity of God’s children.