What a blessing it is to have an Aaronic Priesthood quorum theme. We will never forget the remarkable feeling that came as we stood and recited the new theme with young men around the world during the Face to Face event for Children and Youth on Nov. 17.
In the April 2018 general priesthood meeting President Russell M. Nelson said, “Think of your duty as God’s mighty army to help prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord. This is our charge. This is our privilege.” The new theme helps young men to know who they are, that God has called them to a great work and to know and understand what He expects of them.
The wording in this theme was inspired. Our desire is that young men not only memorize the theme, but internalize it, ponder it and let the meaning go from their head to their heart:
I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do.
With all my heart, might, mind, and strength, I will love God, keep my covenants, and use His priesthood to serve others, beginning in my own home.
As I strive to serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day, I will qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy of the gospel.
I will prepare to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and loving father by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
I will help prepare the world for the Savior’s return by inviting all to come unto Christ and receive the blessings of His Atonement.
Purpose and commitment
The words of the Aaronic Priesthood quorum theme can help us understand and remember who we are and why we are here and help us walk the covenant path. The words can also help us understand that each day is part of the journey of improving as we strive to do better and be better than ever before. For truly, we are sons of a Father in Heaven who knows and loves us.

During a general conference leadership meeting a few years ago, a question was asked about how to help members [young men] who struggle with personal challenges. Then Elder-Nelson gave a simple but profound answer: “Teach them their identity and purpose.”
When we find ourselves in a moment of temptation or we’re feeling down, we can take a step back and think of the words of this theme. These words are powerful, and they can lift us to a higher and holier place. Whether we’re at home, at school, with our friends, or at work, we can draw on the words of this theme to help us make the right decisions and bring the Spirit into our lives.
A worldwide brotherhood
The Savior said, “If ye are not one ye are not mine” (Doctrine and Covenants 38:27). This theme helps bring together a worldwide brotherhood of those holding the Aaronic Priesthood and the strength that is found in a quorum. Our desire is that this will help unite quorums in love and commitment to each other. This is one of the most important things we can do as we help each other walk the covenant path.
From our visits around the world, we have seen young men and their leaders recite passages such as the Standard of Truth and Doctrine and Covenants section 4 in their Aaronic Priesthood quorums. Missionaries worldwide gain strength from reciting the missionary purpose and Doctrine and Covenants section 4. Now, young men around the world can increase their unity by reciting an Aaronic Priesthood quorum theme.

As young men stand and recite the new Aaronic Priesthood quorum theme, they are virtually locking arms with each other in a worldwide brotherhood who is pledging their commitment to follow the Savior.
An invitation
We encourage Church members to study the words of the theme in their families. Perhaps set aside a home evening to study each stanza. Like a patriarchal blessing, different messages and promptings will come to us at different times.
This theme can serve as a tool for parents to talk to their young men. Start conversations about how to use the priesthood to bless your home and family and what it means to be a diligent missionary, loyal husband and loving father.
We invite young men to recite the theme at every quorum meeting. Consider displaying a copy in your bedroom or another place where it can be referenced often. We also invite quorum presidencies to teach their quorums about the doctrine found within the theme. (Resources to assist with this will be made available soon.)
As we study the theme and allow the words to take root in our hearts and minds, the Spirit will testify to us of truly who we are and who Heavenly Father wants us to become.