The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released the following statement Monday afternoon, offering congratulations to United States President-elect Joe Biden.
The statement came as electoral college electors for all 50 states and the District of Columbia cast their ballots for the President of the United States — affirming the election results. There is an elector for each member of a state’s federal delegation and three for the District of Columbia.
“We congratulate President-elect Joe Biden on his election as President of the United States. We also congratulate Vice President-elect Kamala Harris."
The statement continued: “We invite people everywhere, whatever their political views, to join us in praying for this new administration and for leaders of nations around the world. Praying for those in public office has been a practice of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since its founding. The men and women who lead our nations and communities need our prayers.
“We thank President Donald Trump and Vice-President Michael Pence for their public service and wish them and their families well in their future endeavors. We commend all those who engaged in the election process at a national or local level. Their participation in our democratic process, by its nature, demands much of those who offer themselves for public service.
"May our local, national and world leaders be blessed with wisdom and judgment as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the people of the world.”