After renovation which began in 2019, the Hong Kong Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will reopen later in July following the rededication held on June 19.

Church members in the Hong Kong Temple district participated in person and by broadcast, rejoicing that the temple is ready to welcome members again.
“Temples help members better understand the purpose of life, encourage them to be more faithful, generous and kind and give them strength to meet challenges in life,” said Alan Cheung, a local leader.
Vincent and Polly Fong, Church members in Hong Kong, are parents of three young children. Polly Fong shared, “Temple worship brings us closer together as a family. My husband and I look forward to being able to attend the temple again soon. This helps us be better spouses and parents.”
AC Ho, a Church member from Singapore, said: “The most important thing in my life is my family. I make and keep covenants in the temple so that my family and I can live forever together in my Heavenly Father’s kingdom.”
Supaporn Putiya, a Church member in Thailand, said, “The temple helps me to focus on spiritual instead of worldly things.” She attended the temple for the first time in April 2018 and had a wonderful experience she says helped her draw closer to Heavenly Father and her family.

In compliance with local COVID-19 protocols, in-person attendance at the rededication was limited. One participant, Agnes Ng, sang in a small choir. She was following the example of her father, Wai-Kam Ng, who sang at the dedication of the Hong Kong Temple in 1996.
“I remember him going to many rehearsals but could not understand what that meant to him. Today, being able to do what he did many years ago, I understand. It is like living the gospel; we do not know how wonderful it is until we live it ourselves,” she said.
Wai-Kam also shared his perspective: “Seeing my daughter sing at the temple rededication continues my faith through my next generation. I am grateful for the gospel and the blessings that come from the temple; it helped me, and my wife raise our children in righteousness.”
Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles presided at the services after meeting Asia Area leaders and staff and reviewing operations across the area.
“This beautiful Hong Kong Temple invites us in this Asia area to draw closer to our Savior Jesus Christ, build daily our spiritual foundation and bless our family generations,” he said.
The Hong Kong Temple was the 48th temple built by the Church and was dedicated in 1996 by President Gordon B. Hinckley. It was closed in 2019 to undergo needed renovations following 23 years of service.