
Elder Gary B. Sabin: ‘Hallmarks of Happiness’

‘Our Savior will polish and refine us through the merits of His atoning sacrifice’

Elder Gary B. Sabin, a General Authority Seventy, spoke during the Saturday evening session of October 2023 general conference, teaching five essential principles that can lead to happiness. The following is a summary of what he said.

Elder Sabin’s talk summary

Living the principles of the gospel can help Latter-day Saints find the kind of true happiness that seems to elude so many in the world. Here are five principles to remember: 

First, building upon the sure foundation of Jesus Christ is essential to finding happiness. “Doing so prepares us for the challenges of life, come what may.” 

Second, remember that all are sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. “Knowing and trusting this reality changes everything.”

Third, remember the worth of a soul. “We will never regret being too kind.” 

Fourth, maintain an eternal perspective. “Seeing life from an eternal vantage point provides clarity, comfort, courage and hope.”

Fifth, a person will never be happier than he or she is grateful. “Gratitude gives birth to a multitude of other virtues.”

Life will still have challenges, but living by these eternal truths will help us face each trial with greater purpose and peace.

“The greatest blessings of mortality will be found in whom we have become through God’s grace as we make and keep sacred covenants with Him. Our Savior will polish and refine us through the merits of His atoning sacrifice.” 

Notable quotes

“In God’s eyes, kindness is synonymous with greatness. Part of being kind is being forgiving and nonjudgemental.”

“We are surrounded by innumerable blessings that we can easily take for granted if we are not mindful. Conversely, when nothing is expected and everything is appreciated, life becomes magical.”

“How our awareness would change if every morning we awoke with only the blessings we were grateful for the night before.” 

See the full text of Elder Sabin’s talk: ‘Hallmarks of Happiness’

Who is Elder Sabin?

Elder Gary B. Sabin, General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder Gary B. Sabin, General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. | La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días
  • Elder Sabin was sustained as a General Authority Seventy on April 2, 2016. 
  • He has served in several Church callings, including full-time missionary in the Netherlands/Belgium Mission, elders quorum president, bishop, stake president and Area Seventy.
  • He was the founder and chairman/CEO of two New York Stock Exchange-listed companies focused on commercial and real estate ownership.
  • One of Elder Sabin’s sons died of cystic fibrosis in 1998. A year later, his daughter needed a double-lung transplant. His bishop and another ward member offered part of their lungs to his daughter. That story is documented in an Oct. 2006 Church magazine article, “The Breath of Life.”

What has Elder Sabin done recently?

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