Stewardship of God’s creations should be done through the lens of best fulfilling God’s purposes.
That was the message Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared at the Seminario SUDamericano 2023 (South American Latter-day Saint Seminar) in Florianópolis, Brazil, on Oct. 20, reported.
“In all aspects of our earthly stewardships, our love of God and our discipleship of Jesus Christ will be a sure guide, and surely we will do real good in the world,” he said.

The conference, which had the theme of “Our stewardship of God’s creation,” was hosted by Roble del Sur, a group of 100 young professionals from 10 South American countries who are members or friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was held Oct. 17-20 and featured Church, civic, academic and business leaders speaking on environmental sustainability, public engagement, caring for human life and other related topics.
“Knowing the ultimate purpose of creation,” Elder Christofferson said, “we measure what we do by that standard, asking ourselves, ‘Would it help, or would it hinder God’s divine plan?’ For example, we should use our earthly blessings to minister to the temporal and spiritual needs of others in a way that enables them to come to know and serve God and eventually inherit eternal life.”
Earlier in the conference, on Oct. 18, Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé spoke on caring for the earth by being wise stewards of this gift from God. He listed six sustainability priorities of the Presiding Bishopric. They are:
- Increase energy efficiency and use of renewable resources.
- Conserve water through water wise landscape design, smart technology use and water management plans.
- Avoid material waste through reduction, reuse and recycling; packaging solutions; and building methods.
- Improve air quality and reduce emissions.
- Practice sustainable design, development and construction.
- Engage in sustainable farming and ranching practices.

Bishop Caussé invited conference participants to “Consider ways that you can bless your family, your community, the country in which you live and ultimately the people in need all around the world.”
One of the most important things they can do, he said, “is to pray and ask God to bless and protect you and the community in which you live.”
Learn more about the Seminario SUDamericano 2023, including remarks from Church Sustainability Manager Jenica Sedgwick, at