
What Venezuelan Seventies and Saints are saying after virtual + in-person leadership instruction to 8 west-central stakes

Elder Renlund, Elder Zeballos instructed via video conference in Colombia; Elder Godoy, Elder Pino attended meetings in Valencia

Four general authorities conducted recent leadership instruction meetings with the stake and ward leaders of eight west-central stakes in Venezuela, with two of them able to join the Saturday, Dec. 10, meetings on-site and two on the country’s doorstep via videoconferencing from Cúcuta, Colombia.

Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles joined Elder Jorge F. Zeballos, General Authority Seventy and president of the South America Northwest Area, in Cúcuta, while Elder Carlos A. Godoy of the Presidency of the Seventy and Elder Rafael E. Pino, General Authority Seventy and second counselor in the area presidency, were in-person with the members in Valencia, Venezuela.

Following are some of the comments from the Area Seventies and Saints who attended the sessions. Comments have been edited for clarity and brevity.

Elder Rafael E. Pino — a native of Valencia, Venezuela, and counselor in the South America Northwest Area — speaks to stake and ward leaders in the Dec. 10, 2022, leadership conference held in Valencia. | Provided by Elder Bhanu K. Hiranandani

“During my assignments, I have had the opportunity to see Venezuelan members of the Church who have emigrated to other countries, many of whom had served as leaders, it made me wonder how the Church in Venezuela would be when so many members and leaders had left the country. But after being with the members in Venezuela, I realize that their faith, dedication and determination represent a great strength for the Church.

“I can say that we have received revelation about how we should act, even in challenging times, in our callings and also in our families.”— Elder Pino

“We are immensely grateful to Elder Renlund for his wonderful example, traveling to Cúcuta, Colombia, to be as close as possible to Venezuela to instruct us. One of the powerful teachings he gave to the leadership of the Valencia coordinating council was to remind us that we are disciples of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He has called us to declare His word among His people so that they may reach everlasting life.”— Elder Bhanu K. Hiranandani, Area Seventy, Caracas, Venezuela

Stake and ward leaders from west-center Venezuela pose for a group photo with visiting leaders following a Dec. 10, 2022, leadership conference in Valencia. | Provided by Elder Bhanu K. Hiranandani

“Today, as we trained with the Apostle Elder Renlund, Elder Zeballos, Elder Pino, Elder Godoy and Elder Hiranandani, I could feel through the Holy Spirit that God has us in mind and forgives our weaknesses. We are returning home free of guilt and with a greater desire to magnify our callings, thanks to Elder Renlund’s promises and the other leaders who spoke to us today.” — President Ramón Morles, first counselor, Coro Venezuela Stake

“We must have priorities in our daily lives and be able to fulfill our commitment as husbands, fathers, priesthood holders, and leaders, without neglecting any areas, and experiencing joy as we serve faithfully.” — Orlando Peña, elders quorum president, Puerto Cabello Ward, Valencia Venezuela Los Sauces Stake

Elder Carlos A. Godoy of the Presidency of the Seventy, fourth from the left, visits with stake and ward leaders after aa Dec. 10, 2022, leadership conference held in Valencia, Venezuela. | Provided by Elder Bhanu K. Hiranandani

“We must do things prudently in order to lighten our workload. If we organize ourselves, we will have time for everything, and we will not feel guilty.” — Maria Elena Mireles, Relief Society president, Acarigua Ward, Barquisimeto Venezuela Stake

“As leaders we must continue to love all the children of our Heavenly Father, even more those who are under our responsibility.

  • Teach the doctrine so clearly that even a child can understand, so it can be put into practice.
  • Testify with your own life experiences.
  • Continue inviting everyone to know of the gospel and enjoy it.
  • Promise blessings to members, letting them know that as they are obedient, they will be able to experience the blessings Heavenly Father has for them.
  • And it is our responsibility to follow up on each other’s progress.” — President Benis Borges, second counselor, Punto Fijo Venezuela Stake
Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks to stake and ward leaders gathered in Valencia, Venezuela, during a leadership conference broadcast Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022, from Cúcuta, Colombia. | Scott Taylor

“As Primary president, I am going to invite the ward presidents to put into practice that they measure their success as leaders by their commitment to help the children of Our Heavenly Father know the gospel and be true disciples of Jesus Christ.” Carmen Araya, La Isabelica Ward, Valencia Venezuela Candelaria Stake

“It was a wonderful opportunity that we as leaders had not had for many years. I felt that my Savior cares about the Saints of my country. His spirit was poured out on all the leaders that attended. What a blessing to have servants with us again.” — Bishop Brigadier de Jesús Perozo, Los Medanos Ward, Coro Venezuela Stake

Elder Jorge F. Zeballos, president of the South America Northwest Area, speaks to stake presidents gathered in Valencia, Venezuela, during a leadership conference broadcast Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022, from Cúcuta, Colombia. | Scott Taylor

“We have been given prophetic priorities because the Lord wants to bless the lives of His children. — Elsy Guedes, Tocuyito Ward, Valencia Venezuela Candelaria Stake

“It was a wonderful opportunity to be nourished by the words of our leaders. To me, they confirmed through their testimonies that the Savior lives in every act of love in which we participate.” — Bishop Rafael Martinez, Las Quintas Ward, Valencia Venezuela Los Sauces Stake

“I felt the love of the Savior emanate from each one of the Seventies and certainly from Elder Dale G. Renlund. I felt a greater commitment to give my best while the Father gives me life. I felt I can still contribute to this work. I was feeling that the Lord took me into his arms and gave me strength to continue working in His work. Although difficulties in the country continue, they can be overcome.” — Bishop Jhonny Colmenarez, Los Pinos Ward, Barquisimeto Venezuela Stake

Stake and ward leaders listen during a Dec. 10, 2022, leadership conference broadcast to Valencia, Venezuela. | Provided by Elder Bhanu K. Hiranandani

“The most special teaching that I can treasure is focused on how to achieve success as leaders, when measured in the proportion in which we love and serve those who are under our humble leadership, being able to focus one-on-one, basing our efforts on doing all we can, and trust that the Lord lightens our load by doing the rest.”— Alejandra Pino, La Isabelica Ward, Valencia Venezuela Candelaria Stake

“Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know us, and despite the challenges that may be in our lives, Jesus Christ guides us. He is the Light that we must follow and have in our hearts. In the training, we have been given more strength, love, encouragement, confidence to continue forward.” — President Jose R. Rodriguez, stake president, Coro Venezuela Stake

We have had a great opportunity to be nurtured, not only by the words of our leaders but also by their example. When I heard the story of what Elder Renlund did, to be as close to Venezuela as possible to fulfill the assignment, it made me feel the importance of doing as much as possible to be close to our brothers and sisters in serving them.” — President Claudio Guanipa, stake president, Valencia Venezuela Candelaria Stake

With Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles projected on the screen behind them, Elder Carlos A. Godoy of the Presidency of the Seventy, center; Elder Rafael Pino of the South America Northwest Area presidency, left center; and Elder Bhanu K. Hiranandani, Area Seventy; sit on-site withf stake and ward leaders at a Dec. 10, 2022, leadership conference broadcast in Valencia, Venezuela. | Provided by Elder Bhanu K. Hiranandani

“From 2016-2017, I served as a branch presidency counselor, a young man at age 26, with a 23-year-old wife and a 2-year-old son. Due to the great difficulty in the country, we had everything ready and set to leave to go to our destination in Chile.

“Elder Carlos Godoy visited us and shared the story of Elder Hélio da Rocha Camargo. [Elder Godoy] had been invited to preside over a seminary graduation and saw the Camargo family. He thought they were the ones who needed recognition, not himself. But the Spirit of the Lord told him that they had already done their part. Now it was his turn — and then he uttered a few words that pierced my soul, saying, ‘The Lord has placed the Kingdom of God in your hands; it is your turn, it is your time in Venezuela.’

“The Holy Ghost confirmed those prophetic words from His servant, and I clearly felt that the Lord had a work for me, that He needed me, and I was not going to turn my back on Him. I returned home and told my wife the impression I had received from the Lord. I told her that it was not our time to be comfortable in another place but that we had to suffer with patience those afflictions, and God would grant us success. Although she was a little sad because of the plans to leave, she responded faithfully and without hesitation, saying, ‘We will stay.’

“Elder Godoy taught us that if we want to change the nation’s economy, we should pay tithes and fast. We made covenants with God and promised absolute faithfulness to these laws, trusting His promises. As Elder Godoy testified to us, the Lord did not change the country, but yes, it changed us.

“For having stayed, we were blessed. We have bought our house; we never thought of having our own car, business, and, even more importantly, the blessing of telling the Lord that He could count on us to help edify the Kingdom of God in Venezuela. I was called as a bishop a little more than four years ago, and the Lord has shown that He keeps His word — He only expects our faithfulness and obedience. I am eternally grateful to the leaders, with thanks to Elder Godoy for his love and great goodness.” — Bishop Wilfredo Miranda, Manaure Ward, Coro Venezuela Stake

Elder Carlos A. Godoy of the Presidency of the Seventy and Bishop Wilfredo Miranda, of the Manaure Ward in the Coro Venezuela Stake, pause for photo during a break in the Dec. 10, 2022, leadership conferences held in Valencia, Venezuela. | Provided by Elder Bhanu K. Hiranandani
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