With an eye to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ future temple in the United Arab Emirates, an ambassador from that country met with a Church leader at the London England Temple to learn more about the the purpose of temples.
H.E. Mansoor Abulhoul, UAE ambassador to the United Kingdom, was hosted by Elder Anthony D. Perkins, a General Authority Seventy and president of the Church’s Middle East/Africa North Area, Tuesday, Sept. 20, on the London temple grounds in Surrey, about 25 miles (40 kilometers) south of its namesake city.
The ambassador tweeted about his visit and experience Friday, Sept. 23, and the Church posted a report on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
Joined by his wife, Sister Christine Perkins, Elder Perkins provided the ambassador with a personal tour of the temple grounds, spending time at the Temple Arrivals Center to give background on the significance of temples and ordinances to the Church and its members and a history of the London temple.

He also provided an update on the Dubai United Arab Emirates Temple, which was announced by President Russell M. Nelson at the 2020 April general conference and is in planning and development stages. The announcement followed an invitation from the Dubai government to build the structure, which is planned for Expo City Dubai but with no specific site location identified.

“As a nation committed to inclusivity, tolerance and respect for all faiths, the UAE warmly welcomes the construction of the Church’s first temple in the Middle East in Dubai,” Abulhoul said. “My visit to the London England Temple today offered a fantastic opportunity to discuss plans for this exciting project and engage with Elder Perkins and other Latter-day Saints in insightful interfaith dialogue.”
The temple will serve the 8,000 Latter-day Saints in the two stakes in the Gulf states as well as Church members in other countries in the region.
Elder Perkins said: “Ambassador Abulhoul’s diplomacy and focus on achieving the goals of the UAE regarding liberty to worship and religious acceptance will serve his country well. The global community is sure to recognize the application of these lofty values.”
The visit continued the Church’s “Friends to All Nations” diplomatic outreach in London, with Elder Perkins providing several gifts to the ambassador, including a book on temples as sacred places of holiness and peace and copies in Arabic and English of the Church’s recent publication, “Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles.”