While ministering in Korea and Japan, Primary General President Susan H. Porter reaffirmed to children that Jesus Christ loves them, taught about listening to the Holy Ghost and invited them to lead their families and friends to Jesus Christ.
President Porter spoke at devotionals for Primary children in Tokyo, Japan, and Daejeon and Busan, South Korea, during the March 11-20 ministry in the north Asia countries, reported the Church’s Korea Newsroom. She also spoke with young men and young women while in Busan.
Primary devotional
During the Primary devotionals, she stepped down off the podium to interact with the children as she asked and answered questions and shared experiences.

She asked children to come forward to play notes on a xylophone. And once they recognized the tune to “I Am a Child of God,” they started singing along.
“Just as these notes reminded us of the words of a song, the Holy Ghost can put good thoughts into our hearts,” President Porter said. She shared Doctrine and Covenants 11:12, emphasizing that it’s the Spirit that “leadeth to do good,” and encouraged them to do good and use their talents to bless others.
President Porter also taught about baptismal covenants, reminding them of President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel: “Every person who has made covenants with God has promised to care about others and serve those in need” (see “Preaching the Gospel of Peace,” April 2022).
Using the painting “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them” by Michael Malm, that shows Jesus Christ teaching and a young girl pointing her family to Him, she invited the children to lead their families and friends to Jesus Christ.

She gave each child a small card with the picture on it, and the children each wrote or drew on the back of the card what they can do to help serve others and bring others unto Christ.
Some of their responses include:
- “I want to be a better person like Jesus,” Seoyeon Choi said at the Busan devotional.
- “When you meet someone in need, love and care for that person. I can promise you that you will feel peace and happiness if you do. I know God lives,” Hongjun Lee said at the Daejeon devotional.
- “I can invite a friend to go to church with me,” said Grace Romney, who helped conduct music in Tokyo.

Youth devotional
In Busan, President Porter encouraged young men and young women — many of whom are often the only members in their school classes.
“Heavenly Father loves you and looks forward to your light and example to bless everyone in your school,” President Porter said.
She also said that if they stay on the covenant path, “He will always help in the moment of need.”
Using the “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet, she invited them to make time for the Lord every day, no matter how busy life is, and to seek what uplifts, inspires and invites the Spirit, even on social media.
Namin Jung, a young woman from the Busan stake, said, “In school, I realized that although I was the only member of the Church, I could be a light and set an example for others.”