In the third in a series of 15 videos set to be released by members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Elder Gerrit W. Gong shares his testimony of the Savior’s redeeming role for everyone on earth.
The video is based on Elder Gong’s April 2020 general conference message. It shows portrayals from the Savior’s mortal ministry when He exhibited empathy to those in pain or otherwise suffering.
“He came and comes to heal the brokenhearted, deliver the captives, recover sight to the blind and set at liberty those who are bruised. That’s each of us,” he said. “His redeeming promises apply, no matter our past, our present or concerns for our future.”

Elder Gong’s remarks were not focused only on redemption for what is presently happening or what has happened in the past. His testimony of the Savior also gave hope for the future.
“The Lord’s Atonement can make whole, not only what was, but what can be,” he said.
This video is the third in a series of daily releases that will lead up to Easter Sunday and will share testimonies of the many ways Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. The videos will be published on the social media platforms of each respective Apostle and will culminate with videos from President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors in the First Presidency of the Church.
Elder Gong on the Savior
Elder Gong was sustained in general conference as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on March 31, 2018. He has spoken in general conference 14 times.
In his first general conference address as a General Authority Seventy in October 2010, Elder Gong taught about the blessings of the Savior’s Atonement that come from making and honoring covenants made in the temple.
“The world pursues enlightened self-interest. Yet the power is not in us to save ourselves. But it is in Him. Infinite and eternal, only our Savior’s Atonement transcends time and space to swallow up death, anger, bitterness, unfairness, loneliness and heartbreak,” he said.
In April 2019, in his second year as an Apostle, Elder Gong taught about the meaning behind the Savior’s complementary titles of the Good Shepherd and the Lamb of God. He spoke of the Lord’s desire to help those who feel hurt, disconnected, out of place or unloved.
“Today our Savior desires that what we do and who we are becoming will invite others to come, follow Him. Come find love, healing, connection and covenant belonging in Him,” he said.
And he encouraged those who claim to follow Jesus Christ’s gospel to act as shepherds in brining individuals back to Him.
“God’s shepherds are to strengthen, heal, bind up that which is broken, bring again that which was driven away, seek that which was lost.”
In his most recent conference message, Elder Gong taught how individuals can become more like the Savior and better understand His Atonement through ministering and serving others.
“Faith, service and sacrifice draw us beyond ourselves, closer to our Savior,” he said. “The more compassionate, faithful and selfless our service and sacrifice are in Him, the more we may begin to fathom Jesus Christ’s atoning compassion and grace for us.”