PROVO, Utah — As the video displays flashed a cartoonish illustration of a long-haired and bearded ancient prophet holding a single-word sign of “Repent,” Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s devotional topic was never in doubt.
“Despite that angry face,” said the member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the caricature, “I maintain repentance is something we ought to smile about every time we have the privilege to even use the word.”
He and his wife, Sister Kathy Christofferson, spoke in the Feb. 13 Provo Missionary Training Center devotional broadcast to the Church’s other nine MTCs worldwide.
Elder Christofferson reviewed multiple scriptures on doctrine and importance of both repentance and the Atonement of Jesus Christ, including:
- “How great is his joy in the soul that repenteth” (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10-15).
- “Say nothing but repentance unto this generation” (Doctrine and Covenants 6:9).
- “God himself atoneth for the sins of the world” (Alma 42:15, 22-24).
- “We know that all men must repent” (Doctrine and Covenants 20:29).
- “As often as my people repent will I forgive them” (Mosiah 26:30).
He also read about repentance from page 67 of “Preach My Gospel,” part of Chapter 3: Lesson 3 — The Gospel of Jesus Christ. And he detailed the ancient olive presses used in Biblical times to extract olive oil, likening it to the Savior’s excruciating, blood-drawing suffering as He atoned for the sins of the world.
His most powerful teachings and testimonies came in the final minutes of his summary, as he bore “my sure witness of the infinite reach of the Atonement of Jesus Christ,” imploring his missionary listeners to use the entire four-word phrase — “Atonement of Jesus Christ” — and connect the divine act and its power with the Savior.
No need to hesitate or wonder
“The Atonement of Jesus Christ is His power, His grace to apply in our lives,” taught Elder Christofferson, adding, “We have no need to hesitate to repent, wondering if it will work or wondering if the Savior has the will and the capacity to take away sin, to take away the stain of any sin in us, making us holy people.”
He bore witness that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is sufficient, with its power to reach all. “We access it through repentance, and His atoning grace is waiting for us. And He is not just willing but anxious to help us, serve us and love us.”
Elder Christofferson reminded the missionaries they are to carry that message — that gift — as they meet and teach others everywhere they go. “What a glorious message to share, what a wonderful opportunity,” he said. “Yes, you will smile when you talk about His miracle gift, and they need it just like you and I need it. Many of them don’t know where to turn to or if there is any hope.”
And the Apostle counseled his listeners: “You are saying, ‘Yes, there is hope. I bear witness there is hope. There is a Redeemer. His name is Jesus Christ. I represent Him. This is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am authorized in His name to bring you these promises — to help you to repent, including being baptized and receiving the Holy Ghost.’”
Elder Christofferson expressed hope that his missionary listeners would experience the same joy and redemption through Christ in their lives that they are helping deliver to others.
“May you have convincing power in teaching of Him and your witness of the reality of Him and His Atonement, that He has indeed overcome sin and death for all who will repent and turn to Him.
“It is true. He lives. He has that power. He has all power of heaven and earth. You are His. You carry His name by authority, you speak in His name by authority, and you testify in His name by apostolic authority given to you,” Elder Christofferson said.
Following the Spirit
Sister Christofferson used Book of Mormon scriptures and latter-day anecdotes to underscore the importance of missionaries following the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
She related the experiences of Aaron, an imprisoned missionary in Middoni who later taught the father of King Lamoni and converted him and his people throughout the land. She also related experiences of missionaries prompted by the Spirit and led to individuals prepared to listen to their messages.
“One part of having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion is being ready to respond to His promptings in a timely manner, meaning right away,” she said.
Sister Christofferson told her listeners that as they try to listen to the still, small voice and act in a timely manner, “you will see miracles happen on your missions,” she said, adding that some people instead call them coincidences. “But you will come to see that the Lord is doing His work through you.”
What missionaries were saying
Following the devotionals, missionaries met in classrooms to discuss their Spirit-prompted learnings from the Christoffersons’ messages. Some shared theirs with the Church News.
“My main takeaway that the Spirit taught me is that through repentance, we’re able to become something, and that Jesus Christ always wants us to repent so we can become more like Him every day,” said Sister Olivia Lamoreaux, of Mesa, Arizona, and assigned to the Tokyo Japan South Mission.
Sister Brynlee Poulsen of Mud Lake, Idaho, also going to the Tokyo South mission, added: “My biggest insight was to consider the cost of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and to take it seriously, because Christ really did suffer everything for us.”
Elder Seita Yoshimura of Okinawa, Japan, training to serve in the Sapporo Japan Mission said that his learning from the Holy Ghost though Elder Christofferson’s teachings was “we’ll be able to share God’s message through the Apostle’s voice and our voices as missionaries to the world. It is such a wonderful opportunity to be a disciple of Christ.”
And Elder Grady MacDougall of Denver, Colorado, learning Hmong to serve in the Milwaukee Wisconsin Mission, said he was impressed with Elder Christofferson’s teaching of God being both a God of mercy and just God and his emphasis that Christ has already paid the cost of His Atonement. “Repentance is a joyous process,” Elder MacDougall said, “and remember the fact that it has been paid for and utilize it daily.”