Speaking near the capital cities of Costa Rica and Colombia in January, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles bore testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and Their ability to both help and bless individuals who turn to Them and follow Their commandments.
When speaking to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Ojo de Agua Ward of the Heredia Costa Rica Belén Stake on Sunday, Jan. 12, Elder Uchtdorf compared his learning of Spanish to a new member of the Church learning about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“If I learn a few Spanish words today, and you ask me tomorrow what the words are in Spanish, I might have forgotten already,” he confessed. “That is how it is when you join the Church of Jesus Christ. We have to be patient with each other, help each other to learn.”
One of the ways individuals can retain their knowledge of the gospel is to be obedient to the commandments in order to constantly have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, he taught.
“Our Heavenly Father promises us that His Spirit will always be with us. Don’t we need His Spirit every day? Don’t we need His Spirit to make the right decisions? Don’t we need His Spirit to feel that we are His children?”
The following Sunday, Jan. 19, Elder Uchtdorf met in the Bonanza Ward of the Bogotá Colombia El Salitre Stake and taught Saints about the importance of partaking of the sacrament each week to renew their baptismal covenants and have the Holy Ghost with them.
“If we keep the commandments of God, His Spirit is always with us, which will enable us to make the right decisions. So, it is so wonderful to come in as a community and partake of the sacrament. So, I invite you never to miss that moment every Sunday,” he said.
Noting the attendance of many youth in the sacrament meeting he attended in Bogotá, Elder Uchtdorf took time to encourage them to serve as missionaries and for their parents, teachers and leaders to help prepare them for that service.
“To young men and young women who are afraid to miss out on education, I say, ‘No way.’ Serving a mission is the best education you can have. You will learn discipline, to serve others and to focus on the things which are important,” he said.
He also taught that the blessings of the gospel are available to all individuals, notwithstanding their personal circumstances.
“Regardless of whether we are married, whether we are single, whether we are young or whether we are old, the gospel is always a blessing.”
Courage in leadership
Elder Uchtdorf also met with adult leaders of the Church as part of his ministry in these two countries.
When individuals feel overwhelmed at a challenge within a calling or assignment, individuals can look at their own talents to find out what they could be uniquely qualified to do to help resolve a situation, he taught, then citing Doctrine and Covenants 60:13.

“Thou shalt not idle away thy time, neither shalt thou bury thy talent that it may not be known,” he read, while speaking to Church leaders in Bogotá.
Elder Uchtdorf also taught that every person has a purpose and should avoid minimizing their responsibility.
“Some of you who have served as a counselor in quorums or in the Primary or in Young Women, you might think, ‘What can I do? I’m only the counselor,’” he said. “There’s no such thing as only.”
In an effort to help Latter-day Saints see these experiences on a level playing field with others who have their own distinct callings, Elder Uchtdorf taught about how the Lord sees each individual on their own merits.
“Your responsibility in your sphere of responsibility is as important as His prophets,” he said. “Let us recognize that, and let us not be overwhelmed because the Lord has called you for a purpose. He has called you for a reason.”
With that counsel, Elder Uchtdorf also asked individuals to do some self-reflection and evaluate if they are making necessary sacrifices or organizing their time and efforts in a way that sufficiently allows the Lord to work through them.
“I invite you again to look into your own life and see what is important and what is less important. You might find out what is most important is to strengthen your own spirituality, your faithfulness in the Lord and putting your efforts into His work. And you will see many blessings will come to you. Many things will become easier in your regular life.”
Most importantly in this effort, Elder Uchtdorf invited listeners to properly prioritize Heavenly Father in their lives.
“If you put the Lord first, He will bless you throughout your life,” he promised.
Ministering to missionaries
Elder Uchtdorf also ministered to groups of missionaries in both countries he visited. As he met with those in Costa Rica, he invited them to remember the many individuals on both sides of the veil who had a hand in preparing them for their missions and helping them actively serve as missionaries.
“Everyone back home is looking up to you as their heroes and are grateful for your service. Never forget that there is a huge team at home,” he said. “And if you are perhaps the only one from your family who is a member now, don’t give up. There is an army of angels cheering for you up in heaven and in other places who help you.”
Likewise, Elder Uchtdorf counseled the missionaries to remember that those things they learn while serving are not only to be used during their time as missionaries. The principles and doctrine and habits they learn can serve them throughout their lives, he taught.

“What you learn today, that this is not for now, it is for your whole life,” he said, adding, “It is so important that you realize that everything you do — you do intentionally — is building up your own life by serving the Savior, by reaching out to those who are around you to bless them with what you have.”
He specifically pointed to the increase in testimony that missionaries experience during their service as being something they must allow to fully penetrate their souls.
“The message, the testimony, the gospel message which is so powerful, so strong, it changes lives — it will change your life as you engage into it deeply and with your own full heart and mind,” he said.
Elder Uchtdorf spoke to the missionaries about their futures beyond their time dedicated to missionary service. He invited them to take advantage of the consecrated time they have as missionaries to fully develop their relationship with Heavenly Father.
“Your future depends on your connection to Heavenly Father. Pray deeply and personally, and you will see you will receive answers. You will receive the confidence in your heart that God knows you and loves you, and you may go forward without fear. Do the same thing when you study the scriptures. Make it very personal,” he said.
One of the ways Elder Uchtdorf taught the missionaries to build trust from Heavenly Father is to use their agency to freely minister to those in their missions.
“Don’t go into a chapel, into a building, in a ward building, and stay somewhere on the sideline,” he invited. “Connect to the people. Introduce yourself. Tell them what experiences you have in your wonderful work. Don’t be shy.”
He also recognized that some individuals — both missionaries and other members of the Church — will say they are waiting for what they think is the correct moment to share the gospel or share something about the Church or to testify of the Savior.
“Don’t wait for the right moment. The Spirit will make it the right moment if you are not fearful or hesitant in opening your mouth and sharing what you have or treasure,” he said.
Speaking to the Colombia Bogotá North and Colombia Bogotá South missions, Elder Uchtdorf told the missionaries that they are not on opposing teams but are all part of the same team and the same Church.
“You are part of this global Church, the expansion of this global Church, and to the ends of the earth. I don’t know exactly where the end is. It’s not Bogotá,” he said. “You are in the middle of it. I would even say you are on top of it, because the elevation is so high.”
Referencing the altitude of Bogotá, which sits at nearly 9,000 feet (more than 2,600 meters) above sea level, Elder Uchtdorf said that he used to fly more than three times higher than that as a commercial pilot.
“Yes, you are on high ground, but you are still walking the earth. In my professional life as a pilot, I was up at 30,000 feet. I looked down, and I saw a little bit further,” he said.
He shared that studying “Preach My Gospel” can be like that. It can give a higher and broader view of the plan of salvation. But the scriptures and words of modern prophets provide more of the details.
He also invited the missionaries to treasure the connections they make with each other after they finish serving.
“I invite you to not forget about each other. Stay in contact, wherever it is, with your companions, because they will be companions for the rest of your life. They will help you at moments after your mission, or you might have questions or concerns or challenges where you need someone whom you trust,” he said.
He said that working with companions to build a bridge with those they teach will allow the Holy Ghost to cross that bridge and make spiritual connections with individuals who are looking for God’s guidance.
“Your work is on one side of that bridge. Do everything you can, and then the Holy Ghost will do the rest.”