The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has scheduled a June 18 dedication date for the Helena Montana Temple — just under two years since the temple’s groundbreaking and less than 27 months after a temple for Helena was initially announced.
According to the First Presidency’s announcement, Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will dedicate the Helena Montana Temple in two June 18 sessions — at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The dedicatory sessions will be broadcast to all units in the temple district.
Also, a public open house will run from Thursday, May 18, through Saturday, June 3, excluding Sundays. A media day will be Monday, May 15, with invited guests to tour the Helena temple over the two days between the media day and the start of the public open house.
The First Presidency announcement was published Monday, Feb. 6, on
On April 4, 2021, President Russell M. Nelson announced a temple for Helena — one of 20 locations identified that day during April 2021 general conference.
Less than three weeks later, on April 20, 2021, the Church released a site location and exterior rendering for the Helena Montana Temple. The 4.8-acre site is at 1260 Otter Road, with the temple a single-story building of approximately 10,000 square feet with a center spire.

Just two months and 22 days after the announcement, a groundbreaking for the Helena Montana Temple was held on June 26, 2021, with Elder Vern P. Stanfill, a General Authority Seventy, presiding and offering the prayer to dedicate the site and the construction process.
The Helena Montana Temple will be the state’s second temple; the Billings Montana Temple was dedicated on Nov. 20, 1999. A third — the Missoula Montana Temple — was announced by President Nelson in April 2022 general conference.
More than 51,000 Latter-day Saints comprising some 125 congregations reside in Montana.