The following new mission presidents and their wives have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in July.
Robert Mack Call, 66, and Heather Anne Call, five children, Chambers Creek Ward, Tacoma Washington South Stake: Utah Layton Mission, succeeding President G. Scott Spendlove and Sister Kariane C. Spendlove. Brother Call serves as ward mission leader and is a former Area Seventy, stake president, bishop, ward Young Men president, and missionary in the Germany South Mission. Born in Tacoma, Washington, to Mack Elmo Call and Jewel Berniece Call.
Sister Call serves as a ward missionary and is a former temple ordinance worker, stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Primary and Relief Society presidency counselor and Primary teacher. Born in Glasgow, Montana, to Dudley Leavitt Rushton Sr. and Beth Anne Bailey Rushton.
Christophe Gérard Giraud-Carrier, 52, and Isabelle Sophie Mauclair Giraud-Carrier, eight children, Sunset Heights 4th Ward, Orem Utah Sunset Heights Stake: France Lyon Mission, succeeding President Scott D. Brown and Sister Traci L. Brown. Brother Giraud-Carrier is a former bishop, high councilor, stake Young Men President, stake mission president, ward Young Men president, and missionary in the Canada Montreal Mission. Born in Lyon, France, to Gérard Giraud-Carrier and Annie Giraud-Carrier.
Sister Giraud-Carrier is a former ward Primary president, ward Young Women president, ward Relief Society president, Primary teacher, and stake missionary. Born in Talence, France, to Charles Mauclair and Marie-Thérèse Mauclair.
Thomas Kelly Jackman, 59, and Margaret Louise Conley Jackman, three children, Country Park 4th Ward, South Jordan Utah Country Park Stake: Washington Yakima Mission, succeeding President John C. Lewis and Sister Ann Lewis. Brother Jackman is a former bishop, bishopric counselor, high councilor, elders quorum president, ward Young Men presidency counselor, and missionary in the Sweden Göteborg Mission. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to H. Lamar Jackman and Jeanne Delores Jackman.
Sister Jackman is a former stake and ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Young Women president, and ward Primary presidency counselor. Born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to William Fred Conley and Margaret Audine Conley.
Harold Jules, 56, and Sabine Joseph Jules, two children, Croix-des-Missions Ward, Croix-des-Missions Haiti Stake: Haiti Port-au-Prince Mission, succeeding President Karlyle Raphael and Sister Myrlande Raphael. Brother Jules serves as a stake president and is a former bishop, high councilor, branch president, elders quorum president, and branch presidency counselor. Born in Saint-Marc, Haiti, to Nicolas Emmanuel Jules and Edith Paul Lormier Jules.
Sister Jules serves as a seminary teacher and is a former stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, branch Primary president, and temple preparation instructor. Born in Saint-Marc, Haiti, to Saintélus Joseph and Marie Paula Sénatus Joseph.
Greg Powell Mackay, 58, and Sheila Gilbert Mackay, four children, Overlake Ward, Bellevue Washington Stake: Indonesia Jakarta Mission, succeeding President Paul S. Rowley and Sister Robin M. Rowley. Brother Mackay is a former stake president, bishop, high councilor, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, and missionary in the Indonesia Jakarta Mission. Born in Pasco, Washington, to Boyd Rex Mackay and Gayle Powell Mackay.
Sister Mackay serves as a Church-service missionary and is a former ward missionary, stake and ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, and seminary teacher. Born in Othello, Washington, to Glen Albert Gilbert and Lula Mae Horrocks Gilbert.
Fotios Mavromatis, 51, and Virginia Maia Rocha de Andrade Mavromatis, three children, Wells Ward, Salt Lake Granite Stake: Massachusetts Boston Mission, succeeding President A. Todd Miller and Sister Kimberly K. Miller. Brother Mavromatis serves as a high priests group secretary and is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, high councilor, ward Young Men president, and missionary in the Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission. Born in Recife, Brazil, to Nicolas Mavromatis and Georgia Mavromatis.
Sister Mavromatis is a former stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society and Young Women president, and seminary teacher. Born in Capivari, Brazil, to José Feitosa de Andrade and Terezinha Rocha de Andrade.
Zoilo Rudy Palhua Romero, 48, and Lina Betsy Villafuerte de Palhua, two children, Santa Felicia Ward, Lima Perú Santa Patricia Stake: Colombia Bogota South Mission, succeeding President Renzo Baquerizo and Sister Isabel Baquerizo. Brother Palhua serves as a stake president and is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, high councilor, bishopric counselor, institute teacher, and missionary in the Perú Lima North Mission. Born in Ancash, Perú, to Zoilo Palhua Sandoval and Irma Romero Duran.
Sister Palhua serves as an institute teacher and is a former ward Primary president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, Primary teacher, and missionary in the Perú Lima North Mission. Born in Lima, Perú, to Juan Villafuerte Moran and Lina Zambrano Canales.
Dennis Lyn Phillips, 61, and May Lan Lo Phillips, two children, Grandeur Peak Ward, Salt Lake Mount Olympus Stake: China Hong Kong Mission, succeeding President Maurice M. Lam and Sister Elizabeth Lam. Brother Phillips is a former stake president, bishop, ward Young Men president, ward mission leader, and missionary in the China Hong Kong Mission. Born in San Francisco, California, to Franklyn Dee Phillips and Geneva Johnson Phillips.
Sister Phillips serves as ward Relief Society compassionate service coordinator and is a former ward Relief Society president, ward Primary presidency counselor, Primary teacher, and missionary in the China Hong Kong Mission. Born in Hong Kong to Wah Lo and May Kum Wong Lo.