The following new temple presidents and matrons have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin their service soon.
Julio Enrique Alvarado Guoz, 66, Don Justo Ward, Guatemala City Don Justo Stake, called as president of the Guatemala City Guatemala Temple, succeeding President John B. Norman. President Alvarado’s wife, Blanca Estela Barrientos Pellecer de Alvarado, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Christine C. Norman. He is a stake family history consultant and a former Area Seventy, Guatemala Quetzaltenango Mission president, stake presidency counselor, bishop and branch president. An area Public Affairs director for the Church, he was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala, to Jose Miguel Alvarado Galicia and Faustina Guoz Coronado de Alvarado.
Sister Alvarado is a stake temple and family history consultant and temple ordinance worker. She served with her husband as he presided over the Guatemala Quetzaltenango Mission and is a former stake Relief Society president, ward Relief Society counselor and a Guatemala MTC Relief Society presidency counselor. She was born in Guastatoya, Guatemala, to Julio Vicente Barrientos Morales and Elsa Estela Pellecer de Barrientos.

Stanton Lynn Call, 67, Crescent 29th Ward, Sandy Utah Crescent North Stake, called as president of the Hermosillo Sonora Mexico Temple, succeeding President Ronald E. Dalene. President Call’s wife, Janet Lynn Newsome Call, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Joyce L. Dalene. He is a stake self-reliance specialist and ward missionary, and a former Mexico Tampico Mission president, Mexico MTC presidency counselor, stake president and bishop. A n independent software consultant, he was born in Ogden, Utah, to Rulon Wood and Marianne Hickenlooper Call.
Sister Call is a stake self-reliance specialist, ward missionary and temple ordinance worker. She served with her husband as he presided over the Mexico Tampico Mission and is a former stake and ward Young Women president and stake and ward Relief Society presidency counselor. She was born in Salt Lake City, to Paul Ivan and Mary Beth England Newsome.

Antonio Rodríguez Cappi, 69, Montevideo 5th Ward, Montevideo Uruguay West Stake, called as president of the Montevideo Uruguay Temple, succeeding President Alberto E. Hernández Martínez. President Cappi’s wife, Graciela María Franzia de Cappi, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Angélica Casas de Hernández. He is a temple sealer and a former Area Seventy, Montevideo Uruguay Temple presidency counselor, Uruguay national director for Church Public Affairs, Argentina Trelew Mission president and bishop. Retired Church operations and maintenance supervisor, he was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, to Antonio Cappi Priguetti and Ramona Justina Rodríguez.
Sister Cappi served with her husband as he presided over the Argentina Trelew Mission and is a former assistant to the matron of the Montevideo Uruguay Temple, stake and ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women presidency counselor and Sunday School teacher. She was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, to Fausto Francisco Franzia and María Esther Astol.

William Garn Cowley, 70, Avon 1st Ward, Indianapolis Indiana West Stake, called as president of the Indianapolis Indiana Temple, succeeding President John J. Chipman. President Cowley’s wife, Gail Susan Allen Cowley, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Karen R. Chipman. He is a temple sealer in the Indianapolis Indiana Temple and Indiana Indianapolis Mission presidency counselor, and is a former stake president, bishop and branch president. Retired organizational effectiveness consultant, he was born in San Antonio, Texas, to Ray Garn and Mary Kathleen Cowley.
Sister Cowley is a temple ordinance worker and a former stake Relief Society presidency secretary, stake Young Women president and ward Relief Society president. She was born in Summit, New Jersey, to Robert Neil and Joan Ann Allen Sr.

James Emerson Hallstrom Jr., 72, Keolu Ward, Kaneohe Hawaii Stake, called as president of the Laie Hawaii Temple, succeeding President James E. Kealoha. President Hallstrom’s wife, Kathleen King Hallstrom, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Arlette K. Kealoha. He is a Sunday School teacher and assistant ward clerk, and a former stake president, bishop and high councilor. Managing director of CBRE, Inc. Hawaii Valuation and Advisory Services, he was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to James Emerson and Betty Jo Lambert Hallstrom.
Sister Hallstrom is a stake Relief Society president, temple ordinance worker and seminary teacher and a former ward Relief Society and Primary president, and ward Young Women presidency counselor. She was born in Brigham City, Utah, to Teddy Rice and Melva Davis King.

Darrel Parke Hansen, 65, Arbor View Ward, Las Vegas Nevada Elkhorn Springs Stake, called as president of the Las Vegas Nevada Temple, succeeding President Stanford W. Nielson. President Hansen’s wife, Barbara Hubbard Hansen, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Judi Nielson. He is an institute teacher and temple sealer, and a former Philippines Cebu Mission president, bishop, stake presidency counselor and high councilor. Retired administrator of the Clark County Schools, he was born in American Fork, Utah, to Darrel Peter and Anna Jean Hansen.
Sister Hansen is an institute teacher. She served with her husband as he presided over the Philippines Cebu Mission and is a former stake and ward Relief Society president, stake Young Women presidency counselor and ward Young Women president. She was born in Logan, Utah, to Merrill Dalton and Shirley Naomi Byers Hubbard.

David Hugh Ingram, 72, Newnan Ward, Fayetteville Georgia Stake, called as president of the Atlanta Georgia Temple, succeeding President Lyle J. Stucki. President Ingram’s wife, Sarah Jane Moore Ingram, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Bonnie Stucki. He is temple sealer and a former Area Seventy, stake president, bishop and Atlanta Georgia Temple presidency counselor. Retired biology teacher, he was born in Kankakee, Illinois, to Hugh Bediel and Elizabeth Caroline Koch Ingram Jr.
Sister Ingram is a stake Public Affairs specialist, Primary teacher and temple ordinance worker and a former assistant to the matron at the Atlanta Georgia Temple and ward Young Women and Primary president. She was born in Romulus, New York, to Francis Lloyd and Eleanor Louise Frowe Moore.

Horacio Jorge Nieto, 65, Ciudad Evita 1st Ward, Buenos Aires Argentina Aldo Bonzi Stake, called as president of the Buenos Aires Argentina Temple, succeeding President Emilio C. Canga. President Nieto’s wife, Amelia Virginia Ratto de Nieto, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Graciela A. de Canga. He is an Argentina MTC presidency counselor and temple ordinance worker and a former Colombia Cali Mission president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. A retired businessman, he was born in Capital Federal, Argentina, to Carlos Elías Nieto and Vera Bigliardi de Nieto.
Sister Nieto is a temple ordinance worker. She served with her husband as he presided over the Colombia Cali Mission and is a former stake Relief Society and Young Women president and Sunday School teacher. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Oscar Emilio and Elva Elisabeth Ratto.