
Monthly ministering principles to be published in Church magazines

To help members in their ministering efforts, the Ensign and Liahona have begun publishing ministering principles each month. The ministering principles for each month will be available in the monthly printed editions as well as on and on the Gospel Library app.

The principle covered by the June issue discusses "Five Things Good Listeners Do" and gives an example from Elder Holland about how truly listening to others can help them feel the love of their Savior.

The July issue teaches about how to "Reach Out in Compassion" and how to follow the Savior's example in caring for others.

These new ministering principles follow an announcement made by President Russell M. Nelson on April 1 during the 188th Annual General Conference. In the announcement, President Nelson stated that the visiting teaching and home teaching programs would be discontinued in favor of a new ministering approach.

The principles for the months of June and July were recently published and can be read here.

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