
These stake presidents were recently called to serve in Utah, Mexico

HURRICANE UTAH WEST STAKE: (Jan. 6, 2019) President — Thomas John Kuhlmann, 56, fire chief, chief administraion officer, Hurricane Valley Fire; succeeding Jason A. Gubler; wife, Leanne Louise Vanderslice Kuhlmann. Counselors — Kelly Earl Murie, 54, appraiser; wife, Tana Louise Wilson Murie. Ryan Thomas Peterson, 40, podiatrist; wife, Jessica Leigh Reese Peterson.

SALT LAKE GRANGER STAKE: (Jan. 6, 2019) President — John Jay Campbell, 65, human resources, Woodbury Corp.; succeeding Jeffrey L. Hill; wife, Kristine Bangerter Campbell. Counselors — Robert Charles Bentley, 44, instructional designer, Utah Education Network; wife, Jeanette Ann Larsen Bentley. Blake Ray Dalton, 41, seminary teacher; wife, Hillary Liddle Dalton.

SALT LAKE WINDER STAKE: (Dec. 9, 2018) President — Robert Rees Woods, 43, president and CEO, Command7, Republic Development, Summit Capital Group; succeeding D. Russell Wight; wife, Stefanie Lehman Woods. Counselors — Jeremiah K Clark, 58, physical facilities manager, seminaries and institutes; wife, Rachel Christensen Clark. Hipa Neria, 50, vice president of logistics, Wing Enterprises Inc.; wife, Marilee Baggett Neira.

ZACATECAS MEXICO STAKE: (Dec. 2, 2018) President — David Rodriguez Campos, 50, senior operations manager, Yusa Autoparts; succeeding Jorge O. Sanchez Maltos; wife, Alma Hildelisa Cambero Borja. Counselors — Carlos Maya Morales, 58, middle school teacher; wife, Alberta Flores Estrada. Nefi González González, 47, respitory therapy, Mexican institute of Social Insurance; wife, Zully Diaz Martinez.

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