
Elder Walter F. Gonzalez: ‘The Savior’s Truth’

Of the Seventy

Notable quotes:

"Our Savior always wants to bless us. Some blessings may come immediately, others may take longer, and some may even come after this life, but blessings will come in due time."

"In one way or another, we too can feel broken, whether due to our own actions or those of others, due to circumstances we can or cannot control. In such moments, we can place our will in His hands."

"Accepting His will — not our own — will help us understand our circumstances. Nothing bad can come from God. He knows what is best for us."

Summary points:

  • Comfort and peace can be enjoyed by all who faithfully seek the Savior’s truths and healing touch.
  • When one feels broken by sin or circumstances beyond one’s control, remember to surrender to the Lord’s will.
  • Because of Christ’s Atonement, it is possible for “all things” that are broken to be mended.

Talk summary:

Much as He cleansed the leper with His healing touch, the Savior is anxious to bless all who seek Him. Strength and comfort come by accepting His will and knowing that He wants to bless His followers.

 The Savior knows that is best for His people. “He has an eternal perspective that we do not always have. We must come unto Christ with a sincere desire that our will be swallowed up in His. This will prepare us for eternal life.”

People’s actions or circumstances can leave them feeling broken. In such moments, “we can place our will in His hands.”

 The leper who sought Jesus was prompted by hope. The world offered him no solutions.

“We too can feel the touch of the Savior’s loving, healing hand. What joy, hope and gratefulness come to our souls in knowing that He wants to help us to be clean.”

Christ knows what is best. When individuals feel a sincere desire that “His will be done,” they develop a faith not unlike the leper who knew he could be healed.

 Christ can heal and lift because He has the ability to do it. He took upon Himself all the pains of body and spirit so that He could be filled with mercy for others.

All who feel broken can be made clean and whole through Christ. Trust that nothing bad can come from Him. Because Christ “descended below all things,” He makes it possible for all things that have been broken to be mended.

 “The Savior is a God we can trust. He is the Christ, the Anointed One, the Holy Messiah.”

In the news:

About the speaker:

  • Elder Walter F. González was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, on November 18, 1952, and joined the church at age 18. 
  • In 1975, he married Zulma Anahir. They are the parents of four children.
  • He was sustained as a General Authority Seventy on March 31, 2001.
  • Previous callings included being a member of the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy, an Area Seventy in the South America North Area, and president of the South America South Area. 
  • He has worked for the Church Educational System in many areas, including as director of the CES for the South America North Area.
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