Adding itself to the list of Church websites, channels and organizations that have updated their names since President Russell M. Nelson spoke last year about the importance of using the full and correct name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Church media channel formerly known as Mormon Channel announced on Wednesday, Sept. 18, that it had updated it's name.
Now recognized as Latter-day Saint Channel, the media channel will continue to publish inspirational videos, live videos of Church events, 24-hour music and radio streams, podcasts and blog posts for the Church.
The channel's content can be accessed at the new website: as well as on the Saints Channel mobile app (available on Google Play and the App Store).
In the Church announcement regarding the change, it was noted that "this adjustment mirrors the correct name of those who belong to the restored Church of Jesus Christ and their commitment to follow the Savior of the world."
More information about what sites, channels and organizations have adjusted their names and web domains since August 2018 can be found on Newsroom.