
FamilySearch now available in 30 languages in Thai. The site is now available in 30 languages, FamilySearch announced Dec. 2, 2020. Credit: Screenshot
FamilySearch — the world’s largest genealogical service — is now available to anyone in 30 total languages. Credit: FamilySearch

FamilySearch users can now create free accounts, build family trees, explore billions of historical records and add family memories in a total of 30 languages.

Since it first launched in 2007, has been available in 10 languages — Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

An additional 20 languages have been added since August, the organization announced in a Dec. 2 press release. The most recent languages include Albanian, Czech, Fijian, Mongolian and Norwegian.

“Expanding FamilySearch into additional languages is giving us the opportunity to reach more of our audience worldwide and to enrich their ability to make fun, memorable family discoveries and connections,” said Steve Rockwood, CEO of FamilySearch International.

With a web browser set to one of the new languages, anyone visiting can automatically navigate the site in that language. Users can also select their preferred language from the list of choices in the site’s language setting at the bottom of

FamilySearch’s Family Tree mobile app on iOS and Android is also available in the additional languages, if the language being used is supported on a user’s device.

30 languages:

FamilySearch hit another milestone earlier this year — publishing its 8 billionth searchable name in its online historic record collections.

“FamilySearch won’t quit until we’ve accounted for everyone possible from the world’s available records,” said David Rencher, FamilySearch’s chief genealogical officer, in a Sept. 24 press release. “With over 8 billion searchable names and growing, the odds of growing the branches of your family tree each time you visit keep getting better all the time.”

This fall, the organization also announced that a free, virtual RootsTech will be held Feb. 25-27, 2021. RootsTech Connect 2021 will feature dozens of classes in multiple languages. Registration is open at

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