The following eight new mission presidents and companions have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in July.
See the complete list of 130 new mission leadership assignments for 2020

Robert J. Dudfield, 52, and Darice B. Dudfield, five children, Eltham Ward, Melbourne Australia Heidelberg Stake: Ethiopia Addis Ababa Mission. Brother Dudfield is an elders quorum teacher and YSA adviser and former Area Seventy, stake president, stake presidency counselor, bishop, bishopric counselor, seminary teacher and missionary in the Australia Sydney Mission. He was born in Devonport, Australia, to Roy Dudfield and Yvonne Judith Dudfield.
Sister Dudfield is a YSA adviser and ward organist and former ward Relief Society and Primary president, ward Primary presidency counselor, Primary music leader, seminary supervisor and institute teacher. She was born in Preston, Australia, to Harold Kwong and Valerie Myra Kwong.

E. Xavier Espinoza, 54, and Silvia María Velasquez Casco, two children, San Rafael Ward, Los Chillos Ecuador San Rafael Stake: Perú Chiclayo Mission, succeeding President Winsor Balderrama and Sister Rocio Maribel Balderrama Quiñones. Brother Espinoza is an Area Seventy and former stake president, stake presidency counselor, mission presidency counselor, stake Sunday School president, bishop, elders quorum president and ward Young Men president. He was born in Riobamba, Ecuador, to Max Espinoza and Theresa Adrian.
Sister Espinoza is a Sunday School teacher and former stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president, Sunday School teacher and missionary in the Ecuador Guayaquil Mission. She was born in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, to Juan Velasquez and Orfa Casco.

Shayne L Judd, 55, and Amy Lynn Judd, five children, Clayton Ward, Goldsboro North Carolina Stake: Argentina Mendoza Mission, succeeding President Fernando E. Panzacchi and Sister Beatriz G. de Panzacchi. Brother Judd is a deacons quorum adviser and temple ordinance worker and former stake president, high councilor, bishop, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, elders quorum presidency counselor, seminary teacher and missionary in the Chile Santiago North Mission. He was born in Las Vegas, Nevada, to Sammy Ira Judd and Teura Jeannine Judd.
Sister Judd is a Young Women camp director, Relief Society teacher and temple ordinance worker and former ward Young Women president, ward Young Women and Primary presidency counselor, Primary music leader, ward organist and Primary teacher. She was born in Benson, Arizona, to Charles Dean Kartchner and Joanne Lee Kartchner.

Dale C. Maurer, 56, and Leanne G. Maurer, four children, Capalaba Ward, Brisbane Australia Cleveland Stake: Colorado Colorado Springs Mission, succeeding President Daniel K. Stevenson and Sister Ann Marie E. Stevenson. Brother Maurer is a regional FSY session director and former stake president, mission presidency counselor, bishop, elders quorum president, stake Young Men presidency counselor, seminary teacher and missionary in the Australia Melbourne Mission. He was born in Brisbane, Australia, to Arthur Edward Maurer and Janice Beth Maurer.
Sister Maurer is a regional FSY session director and former ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary presidency counselor and gospel doctrine teacher. She was born in Brisbane, Australia, to Robert Graham Dunlop and Kathryn Ethel Dunlop.

Kevin D. Staples, 44, and Sonja G. Staples, five children, Kalamazoo 2nd Ward, Kalamazoo Michigan Stake: Russia St. Petersburg Mission, succeeding President Brent D. Rawson and Sister Nena Rawson. Brother Staples is a high councilor and former stake clerk, bishop, bishopric counselor, Sunday School teacher and missionary in the Ukraine Kyiv Mission. He was born in Provo, Utah, to David Emerson Staples and Lucy Ann Staples.
Sister Staples is a stake institute teacher and former ward Relief Society and Young Women president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, gospel doctrine teacher and missionary in the Paraguay Asuncion Mission. She was born in Inglewood, California, to Woods Rayburn Woolwine Jr. and Vicki L Woolwine.

Douglas L. Talley, 65, and April R. Talley, seven children, Wadsworth Ward, Akron Ohio Stake: California Roseville Mission, succeeding President Jack D. Ward and Sister Sharmon O. Ward. Brother Talley is a temple ordinance worker and former stake president, high councilor, bishop, bishopric counselor, branch president, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, ward mission leader and missionary in the Italy Rome Mission. He was born in Albany, New York, to Richard Lee Talley and Ruth Altha Purinton.
Sister Talley is a temple ordinance worker and former stake Relief Society and Primary presidency counselor, ward Young Women and Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor and seminary teacher. She was born in Akron, Ohio, to Francis Bernard Ross and Eilean P Shannon.

Edward S. Watson, 51, and Lara B. Watson, five children, Pioneer 6th Ward, Herriman Utah Pioneer Stake: California Riverside Mission, succeeding President Darrel L. Hammon and Sister Joanne B. Hammon. Brother Watson is a former stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishop, bishopric counselor, ward clerk, elders quorum presidency counselor, ward Young Men presidency secretary, Sunday School and Primary teacher and missionary in the Colombia Cali Mission. He was born in Del Rio, Texas, to Roger Clarke Watson and Lois Marie Baldwin Watson.
Sister Watson is a former ward Relief Society and Primary president, ward Relief Society and Young Women presidency counselor, ward Primary presidency secretary, Sunday School, Primary and seminary teacher, Relief Society pianist and missionary in the Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission. She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Jimmy Jerry Bennett and Sally Joanne Walton Bennett.

Mark J. Wiest, 61, and Dana C. Wiest, four children, Monument Park Ward, Salt Lake Monument Park Stake: México Veracruz Mission, succeeding President Greg Palmer and Sister Tamra K Palmer. Brother Wiest is a bishop and former stake Young Men president, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president and missionary in the Argentina Rosario Mission. He was born in Provo, Utah, to Clinton Bernard Wiest and Anna Aldous Smith.
Sister Wiest is a Primary general board member and former stake Young Women president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, temple worker, Primary music leader and missionary in the Norway Oslo Mission. She was born in Salt Lake City to Robert Evans Cutler and Jewel Cutler.