Four new members have been called to the Primary general board. They will work with the Primary general presidency and other members of the board to help meet the needs of children around the world.

Brittany Beattie, 38, Field Crescent Ward, Herriman Utah Stake. Born in Murray, Utah, to Douglas B. Beattie and Sharon Webb Beattie. Received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English from Brigham Young University and is self-employed. Serves as a ward missionary, Young Women specialist, temple ordinance worker and a single adult representative and is a former ward Relief Society president presidency, counselor and secretary, Young Women adviser and family history coordinator.

Kaylene Porter Harding, 60, Lindon 4th Ward, Lindon Utah Central Stake. Born in Salt Lake City to Lawrence Cardon Porter and LaDawn Thain Porter. Received a Bachelor of Science degree in home economics from Brigham Young University. Married to David Paul Harding; four children and 15 grandchildren. Serves with her husband who is a Provo MTC branch presidency counselor, and served with him as he presided over the Baltic Mission from 2014-2017. She is a former a gospel doctrine teacher, stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society president and temple ordinance worker.

Christine C. Ivory, 57, Cottonwood 14th Ward, Salt Lake Big Cottonwood Stake. Born in Logan, Utah, to Richard C. Cahoon and Mary Petersen Cahoon. Received a Bachelor of Science degree in English from Brigham Young University, taught high school English and serves on various boards. Married to Clark D. Ivory; five children and one grandchild. Served with her husband as he presided over the Romania/Moldova Mission from 2014-2017 and as a full-time missionary to the Italy Milan Mission, ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president and Nursery leader.

Amy M. Jones, 51, Highland 38th Ward, Highland Utah Stake. Born in Provo, Utah, to Joseph K. McEwan and Patricia Papworth McEwan. Received a Bachelor of Arts degree in elementary education from Brigham Young University. Married to Scot M. Jones; five children and two grandchildren. Serves as temple ordinance worker and is a former ward Primary president, Primary teacher, ward Relief Society president and stake Relief Society presidency counselor.