The following eight new mission presidents and companions have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in July.
See the complete list of 130 new mission leadership assignments for 2020

John D. Amos, 58, and Michelle E. Amos, three children, Tuskawilla Ward, Lake Mary Florida Stake: Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission, succeeding President Ross Varner and Sister Ann Varner. Brother Amos is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, bishopric counselor, ward Sunday School president and ward executive secretary. He was born in Lafayette, Louisiana, to John N. Amos Sr. and Dorothy Victorian Amos.
Sister Amos is a former stake Primary president, stake Young Women secretary, ward Relief Society and Young Women president, Sunday School teacher, gospel doctrine teacher and Cub Scout leader. She was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to Dunk Wright Sr. and Dorothy Mae Brown Wright.

Wagner Bronze Damiani, 55, and Junia Rocha de Andrade Damiani, three children, Winder 17th Ward, Salt Lake Winder Stake: Brazil Florianópolis Mission, succeeding President Mauro Gonçalves and Sister Lucélia Gonçalves. Brother Damiani is a stake Sunday School presidency counselor and temple and family history consultant and former stake presidency counselor, bishopric counselor, MTC branch president, ward mission leader, temple ordinance worker, seminary teacher and missionary in the Brazil Porto Alegre Mission. He was born in São Paulo, Brazil, to Adhemar Damiani and Walkyria Bronze Damiani.
Sister Damiani is a temple and family history consultant and former stake Relief Society president, ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president and seminary teacher. She was born in São Paulo, Brazil, to Jose Feitosa de Andrade and Terezinha Rocha de Andrade.

Roy B. Huff, 57, and Jeanna Hayward Huff, six children, Hibbard 5th Ward, Rexburg Idaho North Stake: Baltic Mission, succeeding President Kirill Pokhilko and Sister Elena Pokhilko. Brother Huff is a Young Men adviser and former stake presidency counselor, stake Young Men president, district presidency counselor, high councilor, bishop, ward Young Men president, nursery leader and missionary in the Germany Hamburg Mission. He was born in Roseburg, Oregon, to Franklyn Dan Huff and Joan Marie Huff.
Sister Huff is a Sunday School teacher and former stake Relief Society presidency secretary, ward Young Women and Primary presidency counselor, nursery leader and Primary music leader. She was born in Mattoon, Illinois, to Frank Edward Hayward and Bette Janet Melson Hayward.

David G. Killpack, 58, and Heidi R. Killpack, six children, seven grandchildren, Corner Canyon 4th Ward, Draper Utah Corner Canyon Stake: Korea Busan Mission, succeeding President Dong Hwan Jeong and Sister Jung Suk Kim. Brother Killpack is a stake president and former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop, ward Young Men president and missionary in the Korea Seoul West Mission. He was born in Salt Lake City to Robert Harmon McLloyd Killpack and Dorothy Mae Gregory Killpack.
Sister Killpack is a stake Primary presidency counselor and former stake Relief Society and Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women and Primary presidency counselor, Relief Society teacher and gospel doctrine teacher. She was born in Salt Lake City to Darrell Jerome Roylance and Myrlene Brown Roylance.

James A. Morris, 51, and Syndi R. Morris, three children, Elko 4th Ward, Elko Nevada West Stake: Brazil Salvador Mission, succeeding President David W. Lazenby and Sister Margaret A. Hillyard-Lazenby. Brother Morris is an elders quorum president and former stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishop, nursery leader and missionary in the Portugal Lisbon Mission. He was born in Elko, Nevada, to Robert Donald Morris Jr. and Christina Marie Morris.
Sister Morris is an area coordinating council JustServe representative and former stake Young Women and Primary presidency counselor, ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president and nursery leader. She was born in Elko, Nevada, to William Thomas Kane and Marie Kane.

Robert L. Roden, 59, and Annette Roden, four children, Lehi 38th Ward, Lehi Utah Pheasant Pointe Stake: Guatemala Quetzaltenango Mission, succeeding President Alirio Díaz and Sister Mirian Orellana de Diaz. Brother Roden is an assistant ward mission leader and former stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishop, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, ward Young Men presidency counselor and missionary in the Guatemala Quetzaltenango Mission. He was born in Salt Lake City to Robert Kenneth Roden and Jolene C. Roden.
Sister Roden is a ward temple and family history leader and stake welfare specialist and former stake Relief Society president, temple ordinance worker, ward Primary president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, Sunday School teacher, seminary teacher and missionary in the Taiwan Taipei Mission. She was born in Provo, Utah, to William J. Christensen and Hazel JoAnn Christensen.

David Thomson, 59, and Sue Thomson, six children, Rotokauri Ward, Hamilton New Zealand Rotokauri Stake: New Zealand Wellington Mission, succeeding President Newman N. Soloai and Sister Luisa Soloai. Brother Thomson is a high councilor, institute teacher and temple ordinance worker and a former Area Seventy, stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, bishopric counselor, ward mission leader, elders quorum president and missionary in the Philippines Davao Mission. He was born in Invercargill, New Zealand, to Alan Francis Thomson and Helen Judith Thomson.
Sister Thomson is a seminary supervisor and institute teacher and former seminary teacher, stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president, ward Relief Society and Young Women presidency counselor, Relief Society teacher, Sunday School teacher, Primary teacher and seminary teacher. She was born in Christchurch, New Zealand, to Alexander Hall and Pamela Mabel Heremaia.

Kevin J. Westover, 59, and Linda Westover, five children, Heatheridge 4th Ward, Orem Utah Heatheridge Stake: Ecuador Guayaquil East Mission. Brother Westover is a stake technology specialist and former temple worker, high councilor, bishop, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, scoutmaster, senior missionary in the Paraguay Asunción Mission and missionary in the Chile Viña Del Mar Mission. He was born in Mesa, Arizona, to James Donald Westover and DeAnn Hall Westover.
Sister Westover is a Sunday School teacher and former temple worker, stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Young Women president, ward Young Women camp director, Primary music leader, organist, family history consultant and senior missionary in the Paraguay Asunción Mission. She was born in Palo Alto, California, to Donald Ray Snow and Diane Manwaring Snow.