Two new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in August.

Bruce Frederick Carter, 74, Mountain Shadows 3rd Ward, West Jordan Utah Mountain Shadows Stake, called as president of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple, succeeding President César A. Dávila. President Carter’s wife, Kathryn Thelma Hayes Carter, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Miryam Hernández de Dávila. President Carter is an area executive secretary for the Central America Area and a former Colombia Bogotá Mission president, regional representative and stake mission president. A retired international group manager for the Church Distribution Services, he was born in Provo, Utah, to Jack D. and Kathleen E. Carter.
Sister Carter is an assistant area executive secretary and a former mission president companion, stake and ward Relief Society president, ward Primary president and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Newport, Washington, to Charles R. and Doris Mae Clumpner Hayes.

Gustave Thierry Heiarii Hunter, 67, Pirae 2nd Ward, Papeete Tahiti Stake, called as president of the Papeete Tahiti Temple, succeeding President Yves R. Perrin. President Hunter’s wife, Christine Maruia Graffe Hunter, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Kathleen C. Perrin. President Hunter is a mission support specialist for the Tahiti Papeete Mission and a former patriarch, stake presidency counselor, bishop, district president, mission presidency counselor and senior couple missionary. A retired assistant temple engineer, he was born in Papeete, Tahiti, to Henere Hunter and Hana Teuira.
Sister Hunter is a mission support specialist for the Tahiti Papeete Mission and is a former stake and ward Relief Society and Primary president, ward Young Women president and patriarch’s secretary. She was born in Paea, Tahiti, to Alec Tuatini Graffe, and Marguerite Marama.