
Watch: How to create at-home Primary experiences

In a video message on Jan. 3, 2021, the Primary general presidency encouraged children, parents and leaders to create at-home Primary experiences. Credit: Screenshot
A mother and her daughter read an article in the Friend together at home. The Friend is going global and now children around the world will be able to read messages specifically meant for them. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Sister Lisa L. Harkness, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, reads with children. She shared this photo in a #GiveThanks post on social media on Nov. 22, 2020. Credit: Lisa L. Harkness Facebook

While once visiting the small island of Vanuatu, Primary General President Joy D. Jones saw how some Primary children met in a building without walls. 

“But that doesn’t stop them from having Primary,” President Jones told children in a recent video posted on her Facebook page. She explained how the children would pull out a mat, sit on the ground, sing songs, learn the gospel, make friends — and feel the spirit of Primary. 

“Isn’t it wonderful thow Primary can be held no matter where or how we meet?” she said. 

In the Jan. 3 video, President Jones was joined by her counselors, Sister Lisa L. Harkness and Sister Cristina B. Franco, to encourage children, parents and Primary leaders to create Primary experiences at home. 

“As we enter 2021, restrictions on gathering in person may remain,” Sister Harkness said to parents. “Many children are still missing the experiences they once enjoyed in Primary. But you can continue to help them have a Primary experience in your very own home.”

Sister Harkness suggested setting aside class time and singing time for children to participate in simple lessons and songs. Children can still give talks and recite a scripture or article of faith, she added. 

“These Primary experiences you create in your homes will bless your children and help them learn the gospel of Jesus Christ,” Sister Harkness said. 

Sister Franco listed various Church resources for children, including the Friend magazine, the “Come, Follow Me” Primary manual, the Children’s Songbook and hymnbook and activity ideas in the Children and Youth program

Read more: ‘Primary has not gone away,’ says Primary general presidency amid COVID-19

On Feb. 20, the Primary general presidency will hold a special broadcast for children called “Friend to Friend,” Sister Franco said. “In this event, we will sing together, play together and learn together. Mark your calendars. It will be truly wonderful.”

President Jones concluded the video message by thanking Primary leaders and teachers for ministering to children. “While there may be some things we can’t do in Primary right now, prayerfully consider what you can do.

“Think of each of the children in your Primaries. Do they have the support they need in their homes to learn the gospel of Jesu Christ? How can you continue to maintain a connection and create or support a Primary experience for each of those children you know and love?”

“We know the Lord will guide you in your efforts to hear Him and minister one by one,” she said. 

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