
Elder Anthony D. Perkins: ‘Remember Thy Suffering Saints, O Our God’

Elder Anthony D. Perkins, a General Authority Seventy, speaks Sunday afternoon, Oct. 3, 2021, during the 191st Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Elder Anthony D. Perkins, a General Authority Seventy, speaks Sunday afternoon, Oct. 3, 2021, during the 191st Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Elder Anthony D. Perkins, General Authority Seventy Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Elder Anthony D. Perkins, General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke during the Sunday afternoon session of October 2021 general conference. He shared four principles of hope from scripture, prophetic teachings and personal experience. The following is a summary of what he said.

Notable quotes from Elder Perkins

“Whatever the cause of your sufferings, Heavenly Father can direct them to refine your soul. Refined souls can bear others’ burdens with true empathy.”

“Your temporary moment of strength can never compare to the Savior’s infinite supply of power to fortify your soul.”

“If you find yourself in dark nights of suffering, by choosing faith you can awake to bright mornings of rejoicing.”

Summary of Elder Perkins’ talk

Physical or emotional suffering from trials or mortal weaknesses is part of everyone’s lives. Hope is found in Christ’s gospel. 

Suffering doesn’t mean God is displeased with someone. “Whatever the cause of your sufferings, Heavenly Father can direct them to refine your soul. Refined souls can bear others’ burdens with true empathy.” 

Heavenly Father is intimately aware of each person’s suffering. “While in the midst of trials, we can mistakenly think that God is far away and unconcerned with our pain. … I witness that our Heavenly Father, who notes the fall of even a single sparrow, is aware of your suffering.”

Jesus Christ offers His enabling power, made possible through His Atonement, to help one have strength to endure suffering. “I fear that too many Church members think if they are just a little tougher they can get through any suffering on their own. … Your temporary moment of strength can never compare to the Savior’s infinite supply of power to fortify your soul.”

Choose to find joy each day. It is OK to weep. “Yet if you find yourself in dark nights of suffering, by choosing faith you can awake to bright mornings of rejoicing.”

About Elder Perkins

  • Elder Anthony D. Perkins, General Authority Seventy, was born on July 22, 1960, in Cortez, Colorado. He married Christine Dee Abbott in November 1981; they are the parents of six children.
  • He served in the Taiwan Taipei Mission as a young missionary. He was later called to preside over the same mission in 2003, which his son, Derek Perkins, was serving in at the time.
  • Elder Perkins has served as a General Authority Seventy since April 2006. He is executive director of the Correlation Department and a member of the Correlation Executive Committee. He also serves as president of the Middle East/Africa North Area.

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