We begin this new year, 2022, with great faith and optimism for the future. We are excited about the wonderful resources available to help children progress along the covenant path and to draw closer to their Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ.
In an effort to follow President Russell M. Nelson’s invitation to “raise a sin-resistant generation,” we have compiled 22 simple resources that you can easily access to help children learn the gospel in 2022.
- Sing songs as part of your “Come, Follow Me” study found in the “Come, Follow Me — for Primary” manual.
- Add your own photos into the singalong songs on the Gospel for Kids app (Android or iOS).
- Enjoy an art night together using the “Come, Draw with Me” videos on the Gospel For Kids YouTube channel.
- Color in the “I Can Read the Old Testament” reading chart from the January 2022 Friend.
- Read, listen to or watch a scripture story in the Gospel for Kids app (Android or iOS) and then color the scripture story.
- Work on a goal as a family to draw closer to Christ at ChildrenandYouth.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
- Enjoy a family history activity together at FamilySearch.org/discovery.
- Learn more about baptismal covenants at Gospel Library/Children/Resources for Children/Baptism.
- Talk about how the Holy Ghost speaks to everyone differently at Gospel Library/Children/Resources for Children/Holy Ghost.
- Learn more about the blessings of the temple and the priesthood at Primary.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
- Draw a picture or create a sculpture of the temple and talk together about the blessings we receive through temple covenants at Gospel Library/Children/Temple.
- Review and talk about the temple recommend questions together.
- Discuss how you can participate in the work of salvation and exaltation using the General Handbook.
- Learn more about each of God’s living prophets and apostles at Gospel Library/Children/Follow the Prophet/Our Prophets and Apostles Today.
- Watch a video on the Gospel for Kids YouTube channel.
- Create a “reading spot” where you can read together a story from the Friend magazine regularly.
- Act out scripture stories that you have read together from the Gospel for Kids app (Android or iOS).
- Create actions to help memorize the Articles of Faith. See Gospel Library/Children/Articles of Faith for memorization tips.
- Organize or participate in a simple service project for your neighborhood using JustServe.org
- Use the Member Tools app (Android or iOS) to help you get to know a family better at church each week.
- Watch an upcoming 2022 Friend to Friend event together on Feb. 19, July 16 and Nov. 5.
- On a world map, mark the location of temples that have been dedicated or announced. See the list at temples.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

It is our prayer that as we create opportunities for our precious children to seek, recognize and act upon personal revelation, they will be steadfast and immovable all the days of their lives. May we ever strive to fulfill the prophecy found in Isaiah 54:13 that “all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.”
Throughout the year, we will be sharing our experiences with many of these resources. We invite you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected.
- President Camille N. Johnson: Instagram, Facebook
- Sister Susan H. Porter: Instagram, Facebook
- Sister Amy A. Wright: Instagram, Facebook