“Do not underestimate what the Lord has ahead of you or what things you may be called to do before the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ,” instructed President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in a social media post April 25.
He encouraged young adults to live for the moment and live for the future, and to stay on the covenant path.
On a hike to Ensign Peak, Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Lesa Stevenson, realized how an elevated view gives a new perspective.
“Similarly, our outlook on life can change as we expand our gospel vision and elevate our spiritual vantage point,” Elder Stevenson wrote in a social media post as he invited young adults to participate in the upcoming worldwide devotional May 2.
During her keynote address at the annual conference of the Utah Coalition Against Pornography, Sister Sharon Eubank, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, taught five ways to have practical conversations around pornography. She shared her five steps in a social media post April 24.
“The best way to fight the silence and the secrecy of pornography is by linking arms and turning the lights back on — together rather than alone,” she wrote.
Sister Michelle D. Craig, first counselor in the Young Women general presidency, hopes that she has grown stronger in her discipleship and in her faith and trust in Jesus Christ in the last year, she wrote in a social media post April 27.
“When things return to ‘normal,’ I hope that I do not return to life as it was before the pandemic,” she said. “We can come out of it stronger and better than before — especially when we exercise our faith in Jesus Christ.”
In a social media post revisiting his most recent general conference address, Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles wrote a message inviting those who encounter unfairness in life to let the Savior help you become better, rather than becoming bitter.
He testified of the Lord’s power to provide support through trials and that all unfairness “will be consecrated for your gain.”
Although customary temple attendance is impossible at the moment, Sister Reyna Isabel Aburto, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency said in a social media post that there are other ways to focus on the work of salvation and exaltation, such as preparing ancestors’ information to perform ordinances in their behalf in the temple in the future.
Each member of the Relief Society, Young Women and Primary general presidencies took to their individual social media channels this week to extend invitations to women to participate in BYU Women’s Conference.
President Camille N. Johnson, Primary general president, and her two counselors, Sister Susan H. Porter and Sister Amy Wright, each posted on social media this week to introduce themselves as they begin their new callings.
“I look forward to being with the children, who reflect the pure love of Jesus Christ,” President Johnson wrote.
Each member of the Sunday School general presidency also posted for the first time on their new authorized Facebook and Instagram accounts. They expressed their excitement to connect with members worldwide, shared a few details about themselves and testified of Jesus Christ.