Despite pandemic-related travel restrictions, Church leaders were able to minister to and express love to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the Asia Area Sept. 4-12.
Relief Society General President Jean B. Bingham and Primary General President Camille N. Johnson offered counsel and training to local Primary, Relief Society and elders quorum presidencies as well as visited with members in their homes through technology.
In all, they met virtually with Latter-day Saints from 11 countries and regions: Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. This was the area’s largest-ever virtual visit originating from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, according to Newsroom.
The Asia Area Presidency — Elder David P. Homer, Elder Peter F. Meurs and Elder Benjamin Tai — also participated in the virtual meetings.

President Bingham and President Johnson expressed love and support to local leaders and members and encouraged them to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ.
“We felt the Holy Spirit so powerfully in our home [during the visit],” the Murdiyanto family from Indonesia told Newsroom. “The most memorable experience was our discussion about the plan of salvation and the talks from the recent general conference.”
During a Friend to Friend broadcast to the Primary children, President Johnson encouraged leaders to minister to the children daily so that they can feel God’s love. She emphasized that visits with the children should be frequent, short and simple. This was echoed by Elder Tai who shared his own experience and said personal interaction make a big difference in children’s lives.

In a Relief Society devotional which included more than 2,000 participants from seven countries and regions, President Bingham counseled listeners to avoid the distractions of the world, stop thinking they are less than what they are, and to eliminate contention from their lives.
“Centering thoughts and actions on Jesus Christ will help us find ways to lift others as well as ourselves, and act in a higher and holier way,” President Bingham said.
She encouraged the women to think about two questions:
- What can you do that will help you remember eternal priorities?
- What can you do to decrease contention among those you live and work with?
“Your potential is unlimited,” President Bingham said. “You remember who you are, why you are here on the earth, and where you want to go, you will be able to accomplish through our Savior Jesus Christ all that you have covenanted to do.”
To learn more about the women leaders’ virtual tour, visit Church Newsroom.